Conscious Creation

Inner Activation Museum

Introduction to Dana's Conscious Creation - Inner Activation Museum

Welcome to – A Journey of Awakening Your Creative Genius!

Imagine this: A world where creativity knows no bounds, where every idea you have comes to life in vibrant color, and where you realize the magic of creation lives within you.

Welcome to my world, and guess what? It's YOUR world too. This website is more than just a place—it's a portal, a vibrant space where art, inspiration, and divine wisdom meet to unlock the creative power within you.

You’ve arrived at a place designed to spark your imagination and empower your soul. Whether you’re here to explore beautiful art, dive into the mystical, or embark on a personal journey of transformation, know this: If I can do it, so can you!

What's Here for You?

  • Inspiration at Every Corner: Dive into my artwork and stories, each one infused with deep meaning, personal healing, and a sprinkle of cosmic magic. Every page of this website is built to remind you that creativity lives inside you—and it’s waiting to be awakened.

  • Personal Transformation: Like you, I’ve faced obstacles, but through the power of intention, art, and universal principles, I found my way. You can too. Explore how I took pieces of astrology, tarot, the I Ching, the Gene Keys, and turned them into a creative force for good.

  • Creative Fun for All Ages: Explore the Chav-A-Loo Series—stories that bring life lessons to children (and adults!) in a playful, light-hearted way. This is where wisdom meets whimsy, and YOU can create something just as magical.

Why Are You Here?

You’re not here by accident. You’re here because your soul is ready to create. Whether you’ve already tapped into your creative genius or you’re looking to discover it, this space is here to guide, inspire, and ignite that spark within you.

Let’s Create Together

My journey is proof that when we align with our true essence, the universe responds. It’s time for you to awaken, to realize that YOU have the power to create the life, the art, and the stories that are waiting inside you.

So come on in! Explore, play, create. The possibilities are endless, and the only thing missing is YOU.

Embracing the Power Within

In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, where the pace of life often leaves us feeling disconnected from our inner selves and the greater universe, there exists a beacon of light and hope—the Conscious Creation – Inter-Activation Museum (I AM). It is a sanctuary of transformation, a space where we dare to dream, learn, grow, and rediscover the profound connection between our individual journeys and the vast cosmos that surrounds us.

Vision Statement:

At the Conscious Creation – Inter-Activation Museum (I AM), we envision a world where individuals harness the power within themselves to cultivate personal growth, forge profound connections with the universe, and foster a deep reverence for the Earth. We believe in life from the inside out, where the energy residing within each of us shapes the realities we create. Our museum is a sanctuary of vibrant energy and light, seamlessly blending modern aesthetics with the profound wisdom of the Gene Keys, I Ching, Astronomy, Science, Kabbalah, Sacred Geometry, and so much more. Through immersive experiences, we illuminate the inner and outer worlds, empowering individuals to embrace their innate potential and co-create a harmonious, awakened existence.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Conscious Creation – Inter-Activation Museum (I AM) is to inspire, educate, and awaken the human spirit. We provide a transformative journey within and beyond, encouraging personal evolution and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. Through our immersive exhibitions, workshops, and interactive experiences, we invite visitors to explore the mystical and the scientific, the ancient and the contemporary, the individual and the collective. We honor our connection to the Earth and the Universe, guiding individuals towards a conscious, purposeful existence. We strive to be a beacon of light and a catalyst for inner and outer transformation, fostering a world where each person embraces their inherent creative power and co-creates a harmonious reality with the universe. Join us on this illuminating journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection.

Within the pages of this book, we invite you to embark on a virtual tour of the Conscious Creation – Inter-Activation Museum (I AM). Together, we will explore the intricacies of its design, the depth of its themes, and the richness of its experiences. As you read on, you will discover how this visionary institution blends the modern with the mystical, the scientific with the spiritual, and the personal with the universal. Our hope is that you will be inspired to become a part of this transformative endeavor, helping us turn our shared vision into a vibrant reality.


So, let us begin this journey of discovery, awakening, and connection, as we dive deep into the heart and soul of the Conscious Creation – Inter-Activation Museum (I AM).

Mirror Room

This is a space for internal learning and growth along with creating connections to the outside world – respecting our connection to the Earth and the Universe.  Life from the Inside out.  The room that we will concentrate on right now will include a mirror room.  Places where you can sit and see your reflections in a 90 degree angled mirror, the entire room is full of vibrant energy and light with a modern feel including elements of glass and light while still integrating the mystical aspects of gene keys, I Ching, astronomy, universal knowledge, Kabbalah, and other sacred geometry.

Crystal Room

This room displaying all the different crystals throughout the world.  Allowing individuals to learn about the crystals, their history, power, purpose, within holographic images.  The room will also have locations where an individual could have shrines or where the crystals to feel the healing powers.  There will also be places where the moon can shine in at night. 

Zero Gravity Pools

In the gravity free floating environment, the body balances and heals internally as all the senses are rested. Research shows flotation therapy measurably reduces blood pressure and heart rate while also lowering the levels of stress related chemicals in the body. There are about 10 separate pods draped and separated for privacy, the center area for lounge and meditation, each person is able to enter their separate or couples pod when scheduled.

Putting your body in a zero-gravity environment offers you a chance to fully relax your muscles in a way that is extremely hard to do outside of a float pod. In addition, Zero-gravity from float therapy benefits several different parts of your body, including your blood circulation, joints and muscles.

Free from the pressures of gravity, your joints and muscles completely relax; this increases blood flow throughout the body. As a result, stress-related muscle pain is reduced with consistent floating and an overall lowering of blood pressure. There is also a reduction of perceived pain levels, making floating perfect for those suffering from chronic pain anywhere in the body. Those who have arthritis and fibromyalgia also have reported prolonged periods of respite from the pain with float therapy.

Even if you are in great physical shape, float therapy benefits can apply to you. For example, athletes and those who work out a lot have seen a significant reduction in blood lactate levels after hard workouts, leading to faster recovery times.

Sensory deprivation is another excellent aspect that produces float therapy benefits. Allowing your mind total rest, where it doesn’t have to expend energy processing external stimuli, can leave people feeling a great sense of peace and euphoria post-float. This is because cortisol, the hormone that causes stress, is significantly reduced. Because we process so much information daily, stress builds and can easily cause mental and physical issues.

So, those suffering from mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and PTSD have all reported floatation therapy as a way to manage their symptoms; stress, depression, anxiety have been proven by scientific study to be significantly decreased.

In addition, float therapy is proven to help those with circadian rhythm disorders. Especially helpful for jetlagged or overworked individuals, float therapy can act as a mental reset for your sleep cycle and help you get back on track with higher-quality sleep.

Float therapy benefits you in various ways, but many of our guests testify that the mental peace that comes with floating is one of their favorite parts.

Himalayan Salt Room

This natural remedy involves inhaling medical-grade dry salt in a controlled environment such as a cave or bath, for a natural remedy that can soothe your skin, address any respiratory problems and resolve other medical issues such as a stuffy nose from flu.

World Massage

There are several private massage rooms, both for individuals and for couples, offering over 35 different types of massage throughout the world: Acupressure – China, Acu-Yoga – China/Inda, Amma – Japan, Aromatherapy – Egypt/Greece/Italy, Ayurvedic Massage – India, Balinese Massage – Bali, etc.  The natural practices include deep tissue massage, acupressure, reflexology, and aromatherapy. The massage therapist will fold, knead, stroke, stretch, and press the skin, while placing hot stones on problem areas. Aromatherapy oil will be applied on the body to enhance the effects of the massage. Afterwards, the flow of blood, oxygen, and energy will increase dramatically. Balinese Massage that takes place in a day spa or similar may be more gentle and focused on relaxation.

Sound Healing Room

Sound healing is a therapy that uses different types of sounds, such as music, singing bowls, and nature sounds, to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The theory behind sound healing is that the vibrations created by the sounds can help to balance the body's energy and promote healing.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field

The PEMF treatment works to help accelerate the ability of cells and tissues to heal faster by tapping into the natural healing frequency. This additional support allows cells and tissues to regenerate quicker and reduces the stress on the cells, achieved through stimulation.  The room will have a holographic display of a current body scan and what the treatment is actually doing to the cells and energy in the body in real-time. 

Saunas, Steam Rooms

The room that we will concentrate on right now will include saunas and steam rooms. 

Different Level Hot and Cool Pools

Used for breathwork and awakening.

Color Therapy, Fragrant Mists, Waterfall Showers

Dark Therapy Lounge

Dark Therapy Experience

Dark therapy is the practice of keeping people in complete darkness for extended periods of time in an attempt to treat psychological conditions. The human body produces the melatonin hormone, which is responsible for supporting the circadian rhythms. Darkness seems to help keep these circadian rhythms stable.  There will be a central gathering point prior to entry into the dark living quarter.  The living space will be inclusive of a bed, a living room area, bathroom, kitchen, table and lounge areas.  The dark room will have a lot of activities that can be accomplished to promote deep thinking, inter activation, awakening, anything to use all the senses except for sight. 

Locker Rooms, Bathrooms, Showers, and Dressing Rooms

Contemplation Room

Dance Party