Torus Energy Exercises

Introduction to the Torus Energy Exercises:


Dear beloved souls,

Welcome to the Torus Energy Exercises, a sacred pathway to healing, transformation, and self-realization. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of sacred geometry and energy medicine, these exercises are designed to activate the dormant potentials within your being and align you with the harmonious flow of universal energy.

The Torus Energy Exercises serve as a bridge between the realms of spirit and matter, offering you the tools and techniques to awaken your innate powers of creation and manifestation. Through these exercises, you will learn to harness the transformative energies of the torus, a sacred geometric shape that symbolizes the interconnectedness of all life.

As you engage with these exercises, I encourage you to approach them with an open heart and mind, allowing yourself to surrender to the flow of divine grace and wisdom. Trust in the innate intelligence of your body, mind, and spirit to guide you through the process, and know that you are always supported and held in the loving embrace of the universe.

Each exercise is a sacred ritual of self-discovery and empowerment, offering you the opportunity to release old patterns, heal past wounds, and step into the fullness of your potential. Whether you are seeking physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual awakening, the Torus Energy Exercises are here to support you on your journey.

May you embrace these exercises with reverence and gratitude, knowing that they hold the keys to unlocking the mysteries of your soul and awakening the divine spark within. May you walk the path of conscious creation with courage, grace, and love, and may you emerge from this journey transformed, empowered, and free.

With love and light,



Torus Energy Exercise

The Torus Energy Exercise is a profound practice that invites us to engage with the universe's inherent unity, fostering a deep sense of interconnectedness, balance, and continuous renewal. This exercise draws upon the toroidal shape—a symbol of infinite cycles of transformation and the seamless flow of energy between the macrocosm and the microcosm—to guide us toward realizing our full potential and exerting a harmonious influence on the world around us.

Interconnectedness and Balance

At the heart of the Torus Energy Exercise is the recognition of the torus as a sacred geometric form that mirrors the universe's interconnected nature. Imagine standing in the center of a vast, luminous torus, with energy spiraling outward from your heart and returning in a continuous loop. As you breathe, visualize this dynamic and balanced exchange of energy, flowing effortlessly through you and the universe. Feel the connection between every cell in your body and the stars in the cosmos, understanding that you are a vital part of this grand symphony.

Renewal and Transformation

The torus also symbolizes the eternal cycle of renewal and transformation. As energy flows from the higher, spiritual realms into the physical plane, it manifests divine or universal energy into material form, bridging the cosmos with our physical existence. This descending flow not only nurtures our reality but also invites us to embrace change and motion, reminding us that life is replete with limitless opportunities for growth and transformation.


Conversely, the energy emanating from within us outward reflects our capacity for personal growth and self-expression. By projecting our inner reality outward, we influence the external environment, contributing to the collective energy that shapes our shared reality. This aspect of the Torus underscores the power of individual influence and the interconnectedness of all beings, where the energy of one affects the whole.

Influence Through Universal Unity

Engaging with the Torus Energy Exercise, we are called to visualize the toroidal field surrounding us, with energy spiraling inwards at the top and outwards at the bottom. This visualization not only cleanses our aura and releases blockages but also aligns our chakras and connects us with higher realms of consciousness. By focusing on this flow, we become clear conduits of healing frequencies, fostering inner balance and well-being while raising our vibration.


The exercise serves as a reminder that our heart chakra, the bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions, is the focal point of our torus field. A healthy, unobstructed torus field generates infinite energy, vitality, and life force, acting as a form of energetic protection and a force field of spiraling energy that shields us from negative or unwanted energies.


In practicing the Torus Energy Exercise with an emphasis on universal unity, we not only enhance our personal well-being but also contribute to the collective harmony of all entities in the universe. By aligning with the torus's flow, we embody the principles of interconnectedness, balance, renewal, transformation, and influence, allowing everything to realize its potential in a harmonious existence.

Enhancements to the Torus Energy Exercise

By incorporating the following enhancements, you can deepen the impact of the Torus Energy Exercise, fostering a more profound connection with the universe, amplifying your intentions, ensuring energetic protection, and maintaining grounding and stability throughout the process.

Crystals, Mirrors, BioGeometry, and Water

To enhance the Torus Energy Exercise with the use of Clear Quartz crystals, the BioGeometry-Balancing Cube, and the principles inspired by Dr. Masaru Emoto's water experiments, follow these detailed instructions. This approach integrates the vibrational qualities of crystals and water to amplify the intentions and energetic impact of each part of the exercise.


1. Central Focus: Place the large Clear Quartz crystal orb on a round mirror, centered on the BioGeometry-Balancing Cube. This setup acts as the anchor for your intentions, harmonizing universal and individual energies.

2. Dual Mirrors: Position two larger circle mirrors on glass lazy susans, one representing the universe (on a larger obsidian mirror) and the other representing the individual (on a smaller obsidian mirror). Center a large Clear Quartz crystal orb on each.

3. Orb Circle: Surround each of the crystal orbs on the obsidian mirrors with 12 tiny Clear Quartz crystal orbs, symbolizing the 12 parts of the exercise. (orb count depends on number of intensions)

4. Water Integration: Have a vase of water ready to place the large Clear Quartz crystal into after completing the exercise, following Dr. Masaru Emoto's principles for charging water with intention[2].

Exercise Instructions (for each of the 12 parts):

1. Hold the Large Crystal: Begin by holding the large Clear Quartz crystal in your hand, focusing on the Official Request related to the current part of the exercise.

2. State the Universal Energy I AM Statement: While focusing on the small crystal orbs representing the universal energy, state the corresponding Universal Energy "I AM" statement.

3. State the Individual Energy I AM Statement: Repeat the process for the Individual Energy, focusing on the small crystal orbs representing the individual emergu and stating the "I AM" statement.

4. Visualization and Rotation: Visualize the toroidal energy flow around each setup as you gently spin the glass lazy susans, enhancing the energetic integration.

5. Repeat for Each Part: Continue this process for all 12 parts of the exercise, focusing on the specific intentions and "I AM" statements provided.

 Water Charging and Consumption:

1. Charge the Water: After completing all 12 parts, place the large Clear Quartz crystal into the vase of water. Visualize the water absorbing the requests and statements, charging it with the collective intentions of the exercise.

2. Consume the Water: Wait for 30 minutes to allow the water to fully integrate the energetic patterns, then consume the water to align yourself more deeply with the exercise's intentions.

Energetic Protection

Enhanced Visualization for Protection: During each part of the exercise, visualize a vibrant, protective shield around your toroidal field, emanating from the heart center. This shield is reinforced by the clear quartz's amplifying properties, creating a barrier that dispels negative energies and maintains the purity of your intentions.

Amplifying Intentions

Intention Setting with Clear Quartz: Before beginning the exercise, hold the large clear quartz crystal and clearly articulate your intention for the session. Clear quartz's ability to amplify energy will enhance the power and clarity of your intentions, making them more potent.


Crystal Grid Activation: Use the arrangement of the clear quartz orbs to form a crystal grid around you, intentionally activating it to amplify the energy of your intentions. Visualize the grid connecting and enhancing the energy flow between the universe, the individual, and the Earth.

Connecting with Higher Realms

Meditative Connection: During the exercise, especially when holding the clear quartz crystal, focus on opening your crown chakra to establish a direct link with higher realms of consciousness. Clear quartz is known for its ability to clear energy pathways, facilitating a deeper spiritual connection.

Guided Meditation: Incorporate a guided meditation focused on connecting with higher realms before or after the exercise. This can help in attuning your energy and consciousness to receive guidance and wisdom from beyond the physical plane.

Grounding and Stability

Grounding Visualization: While holding the large clear quartz crystal, visualize drawing energy from the Earth through your feet and up your central column, grounding you deeply into the Earth. This visualization promotes stability and inner peace, anchoring your energy as you engage with the exercise.


Obsidian Integration: The obsidian mirrors beneath the crystal orbs can be specifically focused on during the grounding aspect of the exercise. Obsidian is a grounding stone, and focusing on its energy can enhance your connection to the Earth, providing a stable foundation for your spiritual work.

I AM Statements Enhancement

For each part of the exercise, craft "I AM" statements that resonate with the specific intention of amplifying, protecting, grounding, and connecting. This should be done prior to the Torus Energy Exercise statements.  For example:

Energetic Protection: "I AM surrounded by a protective shield of light, safeguarded as I heal and transform."

Amplifying Intentions: "I AM a beacon of intention, magnified by the clarity and power of quartz."

Connecting with Higher Realms: "I AM open and receptive to the wisdom of higher realms, guided by the light within."

Grounding and Stability: "I AM deeply rooted in the Earth's stability, supported in my journey of growth and discovery."

Vertical Torus Breathing

Vertical Torus Breathing is a technique that involves visualizing the breath moving in a toroidal pattern around the body. This can be integrated into the Torus Energy Exercise by:

1. Visualization: As you breathe in, visualize the breath moving up the spine and over the head, creating the top half of the toroidal field.

2. Continuation: As you exhale, imagine the breath moving down the front of the body, completing the toroidal loop.

3. Rhythm: Maintain a steady, rhythmic breathing pattern that aligns with the visualization of the toroidal energy field.

Torus Breath

Torus Breath focuses on creating a flow of energy that follows the shape of a torus. To use this technique:

1. Inhale: Breathe in deeply, filling the lungs from the bottom up.

2. Hold and Visualize: Hold the breath for a moment while visualizing the energy expanding outward in all directions to form a toroidal shape.

3. Exhale: Release the breath slowly, imagining the energy contracting back towards the center of the torus.

Toroidal Flow Breathing

Toroidal Flow Breathing emphasizes the continuous movement of breath and energy in a toroidal pattern. To practice this:

1. Inhale: Take a deep breath in, visualizing energy entering the body and moving down the central channel.

2. Exhale: As you exhale, visualize the energy curving up and around the body, creating the toroidal shape.

3. Continuous Flow: Ensure that the breaths are connected, with no pause between the inhale and exhale, to maintain the sense of a flowing toroidal field.


Chakras are energy centers within the body that correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs. They are the non-physical counterparts of our physical body and play a crucial role in our energy system. Activating these centers can help in balancing and enhancing the flow of energy throughout the body. To activate the chakras, visualize each chakra as a spinning wheel of light, starting from the root chakra at the base of the spine and moving up to the crown chakra at the top of the head. Focus on the color and qualities of each chakra, using breath and visualization to cleanse and open them.

Platonic Solids

The Platonic Solids are geometric shapes that are the building blocks of all matter in the universe. Each solid is associated with specific elements and chakras, influencing our physical and energetic structure. To activate the energy of Platonic Solids, meditate on each shape, visualizing it surrounding you or residing in its corresponding chakra. This visualization can help in aligning your energy with the fundamental structures of the universe, enhancing your vibrational health and facilitating a deeper connection with the energy of creation.


The Merkaba is a star tetrahedron, a three-dimensional Star of David. It represents the divine light vehicle used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light, "Ka" means Spirit, and "Ba" means Body. To activate your Merkaba, visualize two tetrahedrons spinning in opposite directions around your body, one pointing up and the other down, encompassing your body. This practice can help in activating your light body, enhancing spiritual growth, and facilitating travel across dimensions.

Light Grid

The Light Grid is a concept that refers to the energetic grid that covers our planet, connecting all living beings and the Earth itself. It is part of the Earth's energy body and is connected to the cosmos. To activate and connect with the Light Grid, visualize yourself as a beacon of light, sending and receiving light from the grid. Imagine this light connecting you to all other beings and the Earth, enhancing your sense of unity and interconnectedness with all that is.

Enhance with Techniques for Imagination and Visualization

To enhance the Torus Energy Exercise with techniques that aid in imagination and visualization, especially for those who find these aspects challenging, consider incorporating the following methods. These techniques are designed to improve the ability to visualize within the mind's eye, making the exercise more accessible and impactful for all participants.

Gradual Visualization Build-Up

1. Start with Simple Objects: Begin your visualization practice with simple, familiar objects. This could be anything from a fruit to a household item. Spend a minute observing its details - shape, color, texture - then close your eyes and try to recreate this image in your mind.

2. Use Reference Images: If visualizing from scratch is difficult, use a physical object or a picture as a reference. Look at it closely for a short period, then attempt to visualize it with your eyes closed. This can help train your mind to hold and manipulate images internally.

Engaging Multiple Senses

1. Incorporate All Senses: When visualizing, try to engage more than just the sense of sight. Imagine the textures, smells, sounds, and even tastes associated with the object or scenario you are visualizing. This multisensory approach can make the mental image more vivid and easier to grasp.

2. Guided Imagery: Utilize guided imagery exercises where a narrator describes a scene in detail, helping you to visualize it. This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with creating images on their own. The guidance can provide a structured way to engage the imagination.

Beginning the Visualization

Begin by sitting comfortably within a sacred space you have prepared, surrounded by a crystal grid. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest, the air filling your lungs, and the sense of calm that envelops with each exhalation. Ground yourself, imagining roots extending from your body deep into the Earth, anchoring yourself in the present moment.


In your mind's eye, visualize a luminous white light descending from above, enveloping yourself in its radiant glow. This light is pure, cleansing, and revitalizing, shining brighter than the sun yet gentle to your eyes. It begins to dissolve any darkness or negativity clinging to your aura, transforming shadows into sparkling motes of light that float away.


You hear the soft whisper of the universe's voice, a harmonious melody that resonates with your soul. This celestial music vibrates through your being, tuning your energy to higher frequencies and facilitating the release of blockages. The sound of flowing water and gentle breezes blend with the melody, symbolizing cleansing and renewal.


You feel the warmth of the cleansing light on your skin, a comforting embrace that soothes and heals. You imagine a gentle breeze caressing your face, carrying away any residual negativity. The sensation of the crystal's energy beneath your fingertips pulsates in harmony with your heartbeat, connecting your to the Earth and the cosmos.


In your visualization, you sense the fragrance of rain on fresh earth, a scent that signifies renewal and growth. You also detect the subtle aroma of lavender and sage, herbs known for their cleansing and protective properties, further enhancing the purification process.


You imagine drinking cool, clear water, symbolic of emotional and spiritual cleansing. This water tastes sweet and vibrant, as if infused with the essence of life itself, revitalizing yourself from within.

Regular Practice and Mindfulness

1. Daily Visualization Practice: Like any skill, visualization gets better with regular practice. Dedicate a few minutes each day to practice visualizing different objects, scenes, or outcomes. Over time, this will help improve clarity and stability of the mental images.

2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness meditation to enhance your present-moment awareness and focus. This can help clear the mind of distractions, making it easier to visualize. Mindfulness practices can also improve your ability to notice details, which is crucial for effective visualization.

Visualization Exercises

1. Future-Self Visualization: Imagine your future self who has successfully completed the Torus Energy Exercise. Visualize in detail - what you are doing, how you feel, and the environment around you. This can help create a strong motivational pull and make the visualization process more engaging[90].

2. Relaxation Visualization: Imagine a peaceful and serene place, engaging all your senses. This exercise not only aids in relaxation but also serves as a good practice for detailed visualization, helping to prepare the mind for more complex visualizations like those required in the Torus Energy Exercise[90].

Addressing Challenges

1. For Blurred Images: If the images in your mind are not clear, don't worry. This is common and can improve with practice. Try to focus on the outline or a single aspect of the image, gradually adding details as it becomes easier[88].

2. For Difficulty Holding Images: If you find it hard to maintain the mental image, start with shorter visualization periods and gradually increase the duration as your concentration improves[88].