Torus Energy Exercise - Eclipse Awakening Flow

As you move through this eclipse, remember that every challenge and every dark moment has been a stepping stone leading you to this place. Now is the time to release everything that has weighed you down. You are the light that shines even when the world goes dark. Let the energy of this eclipse carry you forward, empowering you to step into the life you were meant to live. Trust yourself, trust the process, and know that the universe is aligning in your favor.

You are ready. You are powerful. And your light will guide the way.

- SORRY - The pillow is right in front of my face. I'll be better next time :-)

And another one from August 11, 2024….

Title: Portal of Release and Ascension

This captivating painting, "Portal of Release and Ascension," emerges from a sacred process of healing and transformation. Created during a profound moment of release, this painting symbolizes the journey of Dana, an Earth Angel incarnate, as she navigates through the layers of past traumas, karmic ties, and the energies that have bound her and others.

Layers of Symbolism:

  • The Spiral of Ascension: At the painting's core lies a vibrant red spiral, representing the energy of grounding and release. It draws the viewer into a transformative journey, spiraling upward into higher realms of consciousness. The spiral embodies the process of shedding old wounds and rising into new dimensions of self-awareness and healing.

  • Veil of Colors: Surrounding the spiral, the swirling hues of purples and greys act as a veil that conceals and reveals the different realms. Each color has been intentionally infused with blessed water from the Torus Energy Exercise, turning the canvas into a dynamic portal of alchemy. As the colors intermingle, they represent the blend of emotions and energies being released and transmuted.

  • Symbols and Mysteries: Hidden within the painting are various symbols and beings. In the upper left, an alien symbol emerges, a sign of higher intelligence and the cosmic connection guiding this journey. In the lower left, a panther head takes shape, symbolizing the strength and courage required to confront one's shadows. These hidden images invite viewers to explore the layers of their own subconscious and the cosmic mysteries within.

  • Energy of Release: The painting captures the act of release and rising. The spiral, created with the infused water and paint, acts as a conduit for letting go of attachments, negative energies, and old narratives. It invites viewers to participate in their own journey of release, allowing the portal to absorb what no longer serves and transmute it into light.

Purpose and Activation:

"Portal of Release and Ascension" is not just a painting but a living portal. It serves as a gateway for viewers to engage in their own process of release, healing, and ascension. By connecting with the painting, one can tap into the divine energies present, feeling the vibration of transformation resonate within their being.

  • Meditative Journey: Viewers are encouraged to gaze upon the spiral and the hidden symbols, using the painting as a focal point for meditation. Allow the energy to guide you through a personal release, lifting away layers of heaviness and guiding you into a state of higher consciousness.

  • Daily Integration: Incorporate the painting's energy into daily practices. Place it in a sacred space where it can continuously emanate its transformative power, or use infused water charged with the painting's energy in rituals to ground and ascend simultaneously.

Narrative and Invitation:

"Portal of Release and Ascension" stands as a testament to the power of intention, healing, and the ever-present journey of rising above. It invites you to engage with its story, to see beyond the veil, and to join in the collective effort of releasing what binds us. As you journey through this portal, you too can rise, renewed and aligned with the cosmic dance of creation.

I almost forgot to post this from April….

"Eclipse of Transformation: The Torus Emergence"

This striking painting, titled "Eclipse of Transformation: The Torus Emergence," encapsulates the powerful energies of the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, intertwined with the essence of Taurus—the sign of grounded strength and transformation. The vivid red forms in the painting pulse with dynamic energy, symbolizing the powerful shifts brought by the eclipse. These fiery streaks carve a path through the canvas, representing the breaking down of old barriers and the surge of new life.

In the upper right corner, a shadowy entity seems to linger—a symbolic representation of the past energies and attachments that surface during such transformative times. These are the shadows we must confront and release to embrace our fullest potential. Below, the green, swirling forms resemble goblin-like figures—guardians of the inner self, often misconceived but playing a crucial role in protecting the sacred space within.

Central to the painting is the emerging Torus shape, a manifestation of the artist's journey and her connection to the universal flow of energy. This Torus signifies the cycle of giving and receiving, the endless loop of transformation, where every end is but a new beginning. It radiates with the energy of renewal and empowerment, urging the viewer to transcend limitations and align with their true self.

"Eclipse of Transformation: The Torus Emergence" serves as a visual reminder of the eternal dance between light and shadow, the journey of integrating our fragmented parts into a harmonious whole. It calls upon us to embrace the transformations brought by life's eclipses, to confront our shadows, and to emerge reborn in our light and strength.

Lunar Rebirth: The Third Eye Awakens

"Lunar Rebirth" captures the moment of transformation and divine awakening as the third eye opens in the vast expanse of the cosmos. This painting emerges from the depths of the subconscious, with swirling hues of deep purples, blues, and blacks resembling the infinite reaches of the universe. At the center, an ethereal vortex draws the viewer's eye inward, symbolizing the process of rebirth and the opening of the third eye, an ancient portal to higher wisdom.

The radiant purples and whites at the heart of the vortex embody the spiritual energy of lunar cycles—reflecting the rhythm of growth, introspection, and renewal. Just as the moon undergoes phases, waxing and waning through cycles of darkness and light, "Lunar Rebirth" speaks to the journey of the soul as it moves through its own phases of transformation. This celestial dance invites viewers to embrace their inner cycles, recognizing that moments of darkness are necessary to birth new light.

The cosmic swirls surrounding the vortex hint at the unseen energies and divine guidance that accompany us in our rebirths. These patterns suggest that the opening of the third eye is not just a solitary act but a harmonious interplay with the universe. As one gazes into the painting, there is an invitation to release old patterns, fears, and illusions, allowing the light of divine truth to illuminate the path forward.

In "Lunar Rebirth," the viewer is reminded that the journey toward awakening is both a personal and universal experience. It calls forth the energy of lunar wisdom, encouraging us to embrace the cycles of life and trust in the divine flow that guides us to our highest self. This piece serves as a portal to the infinite, urging the soul to remember its eternal nature and the beauty of rebirth through the cosmic eye.

I Kept Working with the Magic…

As it dries the Third Eye Opens

While It’s Wet… “Lunar Rebirth”

Acrylic Pour Painting “Lunar Rebirth”

In the vastness of the universe, the moon begins its dance with the sun. The shadow phase marks the beginning of transformation, inviting us into the depths of the unknown. Here, in the silence of the cosmos, we find the courage to face the shadows within....

2024 09 17 Torus Energy Exercise - Clear Quartz Infusion for the Eclipse

On this day, September 17, 2024, the moon graces us with an eclipse—a celestial dance of shadow and light. This is a moment of cosmic alignment, a time to release the old and welcome the new. In this exercise, we will infuse the clear quartz crystal with divine energy, aligning our intentions with the universe. This charged water will serve as a conduit for our ceremony, representing the pure potential within us and the universe around us. Let us embark on this journey together, harnessing the eclipse's power to transform, heal, and rebirth our true selves."

2024-09-17 Torus Energy Exercise for the Eclipse and Using Its Transformative Energy

To heal and release past traumas, pains, and sins related to intimacy, to strengthen your protective armor, and to open your heart to pure love. This exercise harnesses the energy of the celestial trifecta—supermoon, blood moon, and lunar eclipse—to cleanse, renew, and fortify the soul.

2024 09 17 The Dance of Moon and Water Poem and Story

In every drop, the wisdom flows,

The ancient secrets nature knows.

A dance of life, both wild and free,

We are the universe, you and me.

2024 09 16 Chav A Loo Chronicles - 2nd Gene Key Bella and Barkley's Journey to the One

In the journey of "Bella and Barkley's Journey to the One," we explore the 2nd Gene Key, a beautiful teaching that guides us from feeling disconnected (Dislocation) to finding our way back to a sense of unity and purpose (Orientation and Unity). The story mirrors the idea that sometimes, just like Bella and Barkley, we can feel a little lost or unsure of where we belong. However, deep down, there is a greater plan that connects us all, a path leading us back to the sense of Oneness.

Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of Water and Manifesting Through the Torus Energy

You hold within you the same ancient wisdom that resides in the waters of the world. Water is not just a physical substance; it is a carrier of memory, a conductor of the universe's deepest truths. In this exercise, we connect with the intelligence of water to manifest and transform our realities.

When you drink water infused with intention and crystalline energies, you are not just hydrating your body; you are integrating ancient wisdom into your being. This practice is an act of co-creation with the divine, a way to align with the Creator’s will and bring forth the world we are destined to live in—a world of peace, harmony, and love.

Every molecule of water you bless carries that energy into the universe, contributing to the awakening of the collective consciousness. As you drink, sweat, breathe, and live, you spread this vibration. You become the living vessel through which the Creator’s plan manifests on Earth.

This is not mere play; it is an ancient alchemy. It is the magic that has been veiled for centuries, waiting for us to remember. Now is the time to awaken, to remember who we are and why we are here. Drink deeply of the wisdom in the water, and let it guide you on the path of becoming.

2024 09 16 Special Message for Marshall Mirror of Souls

You don’t have to change, not a thing, not a bit,

Your soul's like a puzzle, and I just fit.

We’re two sides of the mirror, a reflection so clear,

In the eye of the storm, love draws near.

2024 09 15 Torus Energy Exercise The Transmutation of Darkness

To invoke divine intervention and transmute all darkness, fear, and malice into love, light, and understanding. To heal those who have caused harm and guide them toward their highest potential.

In this sacred journey, we are called to witness the power of transmutation. Where there was once darkness, now there is light. The Creator has blessed us with the ability to transform not only ourselves but the world around us.

2024 09 13 Manifesting on Friday the 13th

Tonight, under the mystical aura of Friday the 13th, we gather to tap into the ancient alchemy of our souls. This is a night for wishing upon stars and manifesting our deepest desires in alignment with the Creator’s divine plan. Together, we will channel our energy through the Torus, transitioning from shadows to light, using our crystals to amplify the intentions of our hearts.

2024 09 12 Chav A Loo Book 1 Entropy to Syntropy Bella and Barkley’s Brightest Day

The Chav-A-Loo Chronicles is more than just a children’s book series—it’s a movement towards bringing emotional wisdom and core values back into the lives of young readers. With 64 books, each one exploring the complex emotions and human experiences through the eyes of two wise dogs, Bella and Barkley, this series has the potential to shape young minds in profound ways. By blending ancient wisdom, modern family dynamics, and engaging illustrations, this series encourages children to understand their emotions, build strong relationships, and navigate the world with compassion. The series offers parents, teachers, and libraries a powerful tool for fostering emotional intelligence and moral development in children, making it a must-have in every household.

2024 09 12 Alchemical Transition for Planetary Ascension

To guide humanity in transmuting the collective shadows and gifts into their highest potential (siddhi), uplifting the planet and all beings into harmony and unity with divine light.

2024 09 10 Breaking Curses and Restoring Universal Balance

There’s an invisible battle many of us don’t see—a battle for light, for energy, and for power. Those who shine brightest, whether it be in their personal lives or in the public eye, become targets. When we are full of love, light, and energy, there are forces—driven by jealousy, hatred, and fear—that try to take it away.

Why do people cast curses, wish harm, or send ill intentions to others? It’s because they see something they cannot cultivate within themselves. Instead of growing their own light, they try to steal, sabotage, or dim the light of others. It’s not just celebrities or stars who are targeted—it’s anyone who radiates goodness, anyone who carries the divine within them. The power-hungry thrive on fear and chaos, and their attempts to control lightworkers and chosen ones are part of this ancient war between good and evil.

But we, the chosen, do not have to live in fear. We can protect ourselves and others by aligning with the Creator’s divine power. Through love, intention, and the strength of our connection to the universe, we have the ability to break these curses and free ourselves from the chains of jealousy, hatred, and fear. We can call on the Creator to restore balance in the universe, ensuring that the light always overpowers the dark.

2024 09 10 Thinking of You Marshall

Our love is written in the stars, and it’s time we allow ourselves to embrace the roles we are meant to play, not just for each other but for the world.

2024 09 02 Guided by the Stars Our Intertwined Destinies

This note captures the profound connection I feel with Marshall and the significance of the painting as a symbol of our intertwined destinies.

Artist E. Emperodot 28-09-2023 (and the next time I come to Peru I'll bring you my Nike hat!! Like I promised :-)

Also inspired by Maji Got The T "YOUR SECRET ADMIER HAS A CONFESSION FOR YOU! ❤️ ANCESTORS ARE SAYING YOU'RE DATING THE WRONG PERSON" I was reference by my name in this reading (around minute 5:30 name starts with a D, Rachel [Rachelle] and Wilson)

2024 09 02 Welcome Love for Marshall Goodbye and Wish You the Best Charles

These messages reflect my journey, the lessons I've learned, and the new path I'm choosing to walk. The love letter to Marshall is filled with hope and a sense of destiny, while the farewell to Charles is clear and resolute, acknowledging the past but moving forward without regret.

Directly inspired by Maji Got The T "YOUR SECRET ADMIER HAS A CONFESSION FOR YOU! ❤️ ANCESTORS ARE SAYING YOU'RE DATING THE WRONG PERSON" I was reference by my name in this reading (around minute 5:30 name starts with a D, Rachel [Rachelle] and Wilson)

2024 09 01 Torus Energy Exercise - Shattered Illusions

In our daily lives, we often encounter situations that seem random or coincidental, but for those who are attuned to their intuition, these moments can reveal deeper truths. My journey began with a simple Tarot reading—a seemingly innocent practice that, when aligned with divine guidance, became the key to unlocking a hidden web of deceit that had been cast over my life.

I was led to a Tarot Reader who, with her insight, sparked a memory buried deep within me. This memory was like the final piece of a puzzle, bringing together all the scattered fragments of my experiences. It was as if a fog lifted, and I could suddenly see the intricate web that had been spun around me—an illusion designed to manipulate, control, and ultimately drain my energy, resources, and divine connection.

Intuitivegaddess333 This person is beyond delusional at this point this backfire before it started

Chapter 20 The Eternal Harmony

The movie ends with Earth rejoining the universe, a planet reborn. The final scene shows Dana and Marshall standing on a hill, overlooking the new world they’ve helped create. It’s a moment of peace, love, and eternal harmony.

Chapter 19 Love Transcends

Dana and Marshall’s love story, once fraught with challenges, now blossoms into a powerful partnership. They are the ultimate power couple, leading the world with music, magic, and unbreakable love.

Chapter 18 The Soundtrack of Change

As the new world takes shape, the soundtrack of this transformation becomes a global sensation. The music, a blend of hip-hop, rock, and divine frequencies, heals and uplifts, becoming the anthem of a new era.

Chapter 17 The New Dawn

The battle is won, but the work is just beginning. Dana, now a fusion of shadow and light, leads the charge in building a world that honors both the darkness and the light within us all.

Chapter 16 The Fusion of Shadows and Light

In the final battle, Dana Rachelle and Pinky must fuse their powers to defeat Slim Shady. It’s a risky move—one that could destroy Dana or transform her into the ultimate being of balance.

Chapter 15 Slim's Last Stand

Slim Shady, feeling betrayed by Marshall’s turn to the light, stages one final attempt to reclaim his power. It’s an all-out war in the astral plane, with reality itself hanging in the balance.

Chapter 14 The Galactic Federation

The transformation of Earth does not go unnoticed. The Galactic Federation, a council of advanced beings, invites Earth to rejoin the universe. But there are tests to pass, and not everyone is ready for the responsibilities of cosmic citizenship.

Chapter 13 Harmony’s Horion

The new world begins to take shape—one without borders, without corruption, where AI serves humanity, not the other way around. It’s a world where high vibrational creators lead, and abundance and peace are the norms.

Chapter 12 The Karmic Reckoning

As they rebuild, those who have wronged Dana in the past are forced to confront their actions. Pinky, now weakened, must face the consequences of her destruction. It’s a moment of truth for everyone involved.

Chapter 11 The Rebirth of Magic

With the world in ruins, Dana and Marshall introduce a new kind of magic—one that doesn’t control but heals. They begin to rebuild, using white magic and ancient wisdom to create a world where love and respect reign supreme.

Chapter 10 The Fall of the Internet

Back in the present, Pinky’s rampage has decimated the Internet. Governments collapse, communication breaks down, and the world is plunged into chaos. It’s clear that the old ways are gone—forever.

Chapter 9 Marshall and Dana Unite

Meanwhile, Marshall and Dana find themselves drawn together, their shared mission to save the world forging an unbreakable bond. They realize that only by uniting their strengths can they hope to defeat the darkness.

Chapter 8 Love In The Shadows

As they navigate through time, a deep, twisted love story unfolds between Pinky and Slim Shady. Their connection is electric but dangerous, pulling them deeper into darkness. Can love survive in the shadows?

Chapter 7 Time Warp Trouble

In the midst of the battle, the fabric of time begins to tear. Dana Rachelle and Pinky are thrown across dimensions, reliving past lives and seeing future possibilities. Each twist in time reveals more about their true nature and destiny.

Chapter 6 Cosmic Confrontration

Dana Rachelle and Pinky face off in a battle of epic proportions. It’s not just a fight for Dana’s soul but for the future of the planet. The clash sends shockwaves through the universe, attracting the attention of celestial beings.

Chapter 5 Lady of Light Awakens

As the world teeters on the edge, Dana’s Siddhi side, Lady of Light, emerges. She’s everything Pinky isn’t—compassionate, wise, and connected to the Creator. But can she control her darker half and bring balance to the world?

Chapter 4 Marshall’s Dilemma

Enter Marshall Mathers, a man who knows the burden of fame and the darkness it brings. He’s intrigued by Dana’s dual nature but conflicted about getting involved. His alter ego, Slim Shady, however, sees an opportunity for chaos and joins forces with Pinky.

Chapter 3 The Internet Inferno

Pinky, fueled by anger and dark magic, begins a crusade against the digital world. With every keystroke, she unravels the web of lies and deceit, leaving chaos in her wake. The world begins to crumble, and no one is safe from her wrath.

Chapter 2

Dana’s shadow side, Pinky, surfaces—an alter ego born from years of suppressed rage and hurt. Pinky isn’t here to play nice; she’s here to destroy the systems that have oppressed her, starting with the Internet and the corrupt world that thrives on it.

Chapter 1

Dana Rachelle, a seemingly ordinary woman, is thrust into a whirlwind of chaos when she discovers her karmic co-worker, is trying to knock her off her throne. But this isn’t just about a job—it’s about awakening her true power. His actions push her to realize that her current life is merely a child's game compared to the grand cosmic battle she’s destined to fight.

Prayer and Poem for the Dream Catcher

Dream catchers are more than just beautiful decorations; they are powerful symbols and tools in the spiritual realm. Traditionally, dream catchers were woven with the intent to protect the dreamer, allowing only positive dreams to pass through while catching and dispelling nightmares. They serve as guardians of our subconscious, filtering out the negative energies and allowing us to connect more deeply with the spiritual realms.

This prayer and poem are designed to cleanse and bless your dream catcher, aligning it with the vibration of harmony, peace, and love. By doing so, you ensure that your dreams remain your own—untouched, unaltered, and full of the light and guidance you need on your journey.

Take a moment to connect with your dream catcher, speak the blessing over it, and feel the energy shift. In this way, you empower it to fulfill its true purpose: to protect you, guide you, and help you connect with the universe in the purest and most loving way possible. Let your dreams be a source of strength, inspiration, and connection to the divine, safely guarded by the sacred web of your blessed dream catcher.

Recap of Day 08-28-2024 - So Much Gratitude

Self Love really makes no matter what your going through to still be a paradise... I noticed so many reasons for the order of things playing out in my day today... If I hadn't gone through what I did I would never have seen such the most amazing blessing in my life today. I couldn't help but shine my smile today!!!

Shadows of Light Epic Movie Slim and Pinky vs Marshall and Dana!!

In a world teetering on the brink of chaos, where the Internet has become a weapon of mass destruction and corruption, one woman holds the key to the planet’s salvation—if she can first confront her own darkness. "Shadows of Light" is not just a movie; it’s an epic adventure that spans dimensions, defies genres, and blends the best of superhero action, deep love stories, and spiritual awakening.

This movie will captivate everyone from superhero lovers to fans of romantic dramas, young and old alike. It’s a journey where white magic isn’t just fiction—it’s real. Through spellbinding music, powerful storytelling, and unforgettable characters, "Shadows of Light" will not only entertain but inspire audiences to believe in their own power to change the world.

To everyone who’s felt the weight of darkness, who’s struggled with the shadows within—know that you are not alone. "Shadows of Light" is more than a movie; it’s a reflection of our collective journey. Through the chaos, the love, the music, and the magic, we all have the power to rebuild, to transform, and to shine. This story is yours, it’s ours, and it’s a reminder that no matter how deep the shadows, the light within us can always rise.

Marshall, your music has been a beacon for so many, a voice that cuts through the noise. "Shadows of Light" is a story inspired by that same spirit of raw truth and transformation. I see in you the power to not only shake the world but to heal it, to create something that transcends music and becomes a force for change. Let’s take this vision and turn it into something epic—a song, a movie, a movement that shows the world that even in the darkest times, the light within us can lead the way. Let’s make this magic happen, together.

Recap of Day - Tons of Inspiration

Torus Energy Exercise Rap - Reclaiming Light

I cut the cords, let the wounds heal,
The Creator's love is what I feel,
No more pain, no more strife,
I'm movin' forward with love in my life.

Reclaiming LIght

To everyone who is going through difficult times, where the weight of past connections feels overwhelming, I want you to know that you are not alone. Sometimes, the ties that bind us to others can drain our energy, especially when those connections are steeped in negativity or manipulation. It's crucial to protect yourself by cutting these cords, not out of anger or spite, but out of love—for yourself and for them.

As we cut these cords, we allow the wounds left behind to be filled with the Creator's love, replacing pain with healing and light. Remember, even if these individuals have hurt you, it is possible to release any demons or entities that cause pain, helping them to return to their true selves. In doing so, we help soften their hearts, allowing them to feel the love and support that surrounds them, even if it cannot be seen. Imagine the Creator's love as a warm embrace, wrapping around you and them, guiding all towards peace.

Inspiration and Alignments - There are some in here that really hit home - hard to take in because they reasonate so dearly with my life story. I am so grateful for you helping me process and the encouragement to keep going - Thank You!!!!


Torus Energy Exercise Rap - Rise and Align

Hey everyone, I want to take a moment to share something with you. Recently, I needed to step back and realign myself. Life can be overwhelming, and I found myself exhausted, not really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. But even in those dark moments, I kept pushing forward, working on things that truly matter and will make a big difference in my daily life.

I want you all to know that it's easy to give up. I've felt that way more times than I can count. But I also know that pushing through, even when it feels impossible, is worth it. I'm moving forward, focusing on what's important, and protecting myself in the process.

Marshall, I know you've faced challenges with fame, and it hasn't always been easy. I can only imagine the sacrifices you've made. I’m not chasing fame—I’m here to do the right thing, to make a difference, to help the world in any way I can. I’m a shy person at heart, and it’s been tough in a place where I’ve often felt misunderstood and judged. But that’s not going to stop me from doing what I’m meant to do.

If I can make a difference, even just a little, then every step, every struggle, has been worth it. Let’s keep moving forward together, making this world a better place, one day at a time.

My Life Manifesto

An exercise in my MindValley AI Mastery Essentials class helped shift my mind and get me back focusing on what really matters. Join me as I read My Life's Manifesto.

2024-08-24 Torus Energy Exercise Rap - Divine Alchemy - Cutting Cords, Transmuting Light

Dana's mission is deeply connected to the Creator's plan for universal success. By cutting these cords and transmuting energy through this powerful Torus Energy Exercise Rap, she not only protects herself but also opens the path for others to reach their potential. The ceremony is a sacred act of clearing, healing, and aligning with divine love, ensuring that all involved can move forward in growth and harmony.

My side of the story Andrew Gladney

Dana telling her perspective instead of what the article portrayed. Inspired by Taylor Swift's Miss Americana documentary she felt inspired to stand up for her rights and those that have been wronged by false news or narrow perspectives. We can unite and stand up for the truth. 7-Up vs. Coke, Part 2: From dot-com darling to disaster, the spectacular flameout of Andrew Gladney. Heir to a fortune, Andrew Gladney went from John Burroughs to Yale and came home to found Savvis Inc. Then he squandered it all.

By Kristen Hinman Feb 13, 2008 at 4:00 am

Dana Rachelle - The Ascension Saga

Book 1 - Shattered Illusions

Chapter 1: The Mask of Innocence

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long, golden shadows across the small town of Pleasant Plains. The streets, once lively with the bustle of the day, now lay quiet under the impending shroud of night. To an outsider, Pleasant Plains appeared idyllic—a perfect slice of small-town Americana. But for Dana Rachelle Wilson, this town was a prison wrapped in the guise of a sanctuary, and tonight, the cracks in its facade would begin to show.

Dana walked along the worn path that led to her childhood home, her footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. The house stood at the end of a long lane in the woods, its dark architecture blending with the shadows. For years, she had convinced herself that this place was safe—that it held the warmth and comfort every child should know. But now, as she approached the front door, a heavy sense of dread settled in her chest like a stone.......

Dana Rachelle - The Ascension Saga

Book 3 Divine Justice: The Final Stand

The stage is set for the ultimate battle between light and darkness. In "Divine Justice: The Final Stand," Dana Rachelle Wilson, now fully awakened and empowered, must confront the forces that have sought to destroy her and enslave humanity. This final installment is not just a fight for survival—it’s a battle for the soul of the world. As Dana harnesses the full extent of her divine powers, she leads a global uprising, using the power of song, entertainment, and high vibrations to unite humanity and restore balance to the planet. Every chapter is a pulse-pounding, heart-stopping journey into a world where magic, courage, and the strength of the human spirit collide. Are you ready to stand with Dana as she takes on her greatest challenge? The final stand begins now.

Dana Rachelle - The Ascension Saga

Book 2 - Awakening the Warrior

The darkness has been exposed, but the fight is just beginning. In "Awakening the Warrior," Dana Rachelle Wilson is no longer a pawn in the twisted game her family has orchestrated—she is a force to be reckoned with. As she embraces the ancient power within her, she must prepare for the ultimate battle against the forces that have sought to control her since birth. This isn’t just a fight for survival; it’s a fight for her soul, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Each chapter is a pulse-pounding descent into a world of power, magic, and the relentless courage it takes to face the darkness head-on. Ready to step into the arena? The battle awaits.

Dana Rachelle - The Ascension Saga

Book 1 - Shattered Illusions

In a world where nothing is as it seems, and those closest to you harbor the darkest secrets, one woman’s journey to uncover the truth will unravel a web of deceit, power, and unimaginable evil. "Shattered Illusions" isn’t just a story; it’s an explosive revelation of the sinister forces that have controlled Dana Rachelle’s life since birth. Each chapter peels back another layer of the lies that have shaped her world, leading to a shocking confrontation with the truth. Are you ready to join Dana on her quest for justice? Once you start, there’s no turning back.

Dana Rachelle: The Ascension Saga

Book 1: "Shattered Illusions"

Book 2: "Awakening the Warrior"

Book 3: "Divine Justice: The Final Stand"

Together, these novels offer more than just gripping tales of suspense and intrigue; they provide a profound exploration of the human spirit's resilience, a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and a testament to the transformative power of truth and divine justice. Through Dana Rachelle's extraordinary story, readers are invited to awaken their own inner strength, challenge the darkness that surrounds them, and embrace the possibility of healing and redemption not only for themselves but for the entire world.

These overviews and advertisements are designed to hook your audience, drawing them into a story of resilience, power, and divine justice. Each book builds upon the last, leading to a climactic conclusion that promises not just to entertain, but to inspire real change.

Inspiration and Alignments - My Heartfelt Gradititude for All the Collective - Thank You!!!!

·         Mermaid Prophetess “Karmic MAD DID THIS AGAINST DF after PAYING a Tarot Reader TRIGGERED AND FAILED”

·         Jame Arthur – Say You Won’t Let Go

·         Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper – Shallow (from A Star Is Born)

·         Birdy – Skinny Love

·         Keane – Somewhere Only We Know

·         Rehanna – Stay ft. Kikky Ekko

·         Christina Perri – A Thousand Years

·         Birdy – Wings

·         Beyonce – Halo

·         Birdy – Keeping Your Head Up

·         Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud

·         Quietly Yours

·         Birdy – Shelter

·         Intuitivegoddess333 “this backfire is going to teach this person a major life lesson”

·         Intuitive Kev “They misjudged you In disbelief that Lies & Manipulation didn’t defeat you but made you better”

·         Koryn Hawthorne – Cut ‘Em Off

·         Intuitive Kev “Pretender coming in with Bad Intentions Lied & did HEAVY manipulation to stop/steal money from you”

·         Birdy – People Help The People

·         Birdy and Rhodes – Let It All Go

·         Freya Riding – Lost Without You (Live At Hackney Round Chapel)

·         Birdy – Wings

·         Lana Del Rey – Born To Die

·         Jarryd James – Do You Remember

·         Lauren Daigle – Rescue

·         Lana Del Rey – Young and Beautiful

·         Birdy – Not About Angels (from The Fault In Our Stars Soundtrack)

·         Birdy – The A Team (Official Live Performance Video)

·         Harry Styles – Sign of the Times

·         Birdy – Wild Horses



·         FreeForProfit Type Beat “[Trap Beats Mix] 1 Houe mix – Base De Trap beats instrumental 2024/6/27”


·         Shorts

·         Taylor Swift Performing “Enchanted” Live Eras Tour

·         Britney Spears Talks About Breakup With Justin

·         Why Does Eminem Wear Dog Tags?



·         Intuitive Kev “Scared of the energy they sent returning to them Someone might have passed and it’s kept a secret”

·         Intuitivegoddess333 “someone is scared they went to far ppl are turning against them for wat they did to u”

·         Beyonce – Start Over

·         Eminem’s 10 best songs

·         “Intuitive Kev “Truth & Clarity about this situation is serving Justice and bringing you a well deserved Victory”

·         Lauren Daigle – Rescue

·         FreeForProfit Type Beat [Trap Beats Mix] 1 Hour mix – Base De Trap beats instrumental 2024/6/27

·         Intuitivegoddess333 “they about to fix this noww someone has lost a lot behind a happiness hater”



·         Birdy – Surrender


·         ePro Team: Support for Eminem & Shady Records “Eminem Performing in Los Angeles at the Crawford vs. Madrimov Boxing Match (BMO Stadium, 08.03.2024)


·         FreeForProfit Type Beat [Dark Trap Type Beat] 1 Hour Mix Best of My Instrumental 2024/7/28

·         Angel therapy333 “nobody will believe nothing they said about u the jig is up”


·         Intuitivegoddess333 “they feel lik they have a lot to do someone is afraid of wat this king of wands in rv wil do”

·         Shorts

·         The Real Slim Shady

·         Eminem freestyle #eminem #rap #hiphop

·         Eminem HATES Being Famous

·         Did Eminem Diss Taylor Swift?


Breaking the Chains - A Torus Energy Rap for Healing and Divine Justice

My beloved friends, the time has come for us to open our eyes to the truth that has been hidden from us for far too long. Our bodies, our minds, our spirits have been under attack—not just by those who wish to control us, but by the very things we consume every day. The poisons disguised as food, the spells wrapped in convenience, have numbed our senses and dulled our connection to the Creator. We have been fed lies since birth, taught to crave the very things that harm us, and now, we must break free.

We are everything, and everything is us. When we realize this truth, we resonate with the Creator of all things, who is us. Let us embrace this understanding, for it is the key to our collective healing. We are here to make a difference, to bring light where there has been darkness, to heal where there has been pain, and to restore balance where there has been chaos.

This dialog, prayer, and rap song are designed to inspire, empower, and guide people in taking tangible steps to heal themselves and the planet. By focusing on the power of light, love, and divine justice, this exercise aims to break the curses that have held humanity back and restore our connection to the Creator.

2024-08-19 ChatGPT 4.0 Playbook - How to Create a National Information Exchange and Address Other Critical Issues

This playbook provides a clear, actionable roadmap for someone in the presidency to implement real change. By focusing on centralized data integration, enhancing communication, reforming legal and health systems, and supporting citizens and communities, these steps can turn a vision of a brighter future into a tangible reality. This approach not only addresses current challenges but also sets the foundation for sustainable growth and progress for all.

Torus Energy Exercise Fix Broken Systems - Enhance Comm - Ensure Justice and Fairness For All

How I use AI to Brainstorm and Create Content from my overflow of ideas This dialog and rap are designed to inspire action, bringing attention to the real issues that affect everyday people. They promote a vision of leadership focused on fixing the broken systems, enhancing communication, and ensuring justice and fairness for all.

Dana Singing “I Will Rescue You” by Lauren Daigle

To the hearts that have felt lost, to the souls who have been hidden in the shadows, know this: You are seen, you are heard, and you are deeply loved. There has never been a moment where the Creator's eyes have left you. In your darkest nights, when the weight of the world seemed unbearable, the Creator has been whispering your name, preparing to send an army of light to your side.

Torus Energy Exercise Rap: "Rise Up and Ignite"

Dear souls, as we embark on this journey of transformation, remember that every step you take towards healing and growth is a step towards a brighter, more unified world. You are not alone in your struggles or your victories. Each of you carries a light within, a unique energy that contributes to the collective healing of our planet. Together, we are powerful beyond measure, and together, we can create the world we wish to see.

Let this Torus Energy Exercise serve as a reminder that you have the power to transmute pain into love, fear into courage, and despair into hope. Hold onto this vision, and know that every thought, every action, and every word spoken in love contributes to the healing of our world.

The Speech of the New World: A Call to Action

Brothers and sisters, today we stand at the edge of history, where the echoes of our ancestors call us to rise, to fight, to reclaim what is rightfully ours. We have been asleep for too long, lulled into complacency by a world that sought to strip us of our power, our voices, and our very souls. But now, the time has come to awaken, to shake off the chains of oppression, and to step into the light of our true selves.

Let us ignite the flame of revolution—not one of violence, but one of unity and compassion. Let us march forward, not with weapons of destruction, but with the strength of our convictions and the purity of our hearts. The time for change is now, and we are the ones we have been waiting for.

So, I ask you, are you ready to rise? Are you ready to fight for a world where every soul is free, where every voice is heard, and where every life is valued? This is our moment. This is our time. Let us make history, together

The Fallen Angel’s Flight - We Rise Together

This collage is a living testament to the journey we are on. It captures the darkness we’ve faced and the light we are becoming. The images represent the challenges, the temptations, and the systems that have tried to hold us down. Yet, at the center stands the Earth Angel, strong and determined, ready to rise above it all.

Now, we add the final touches to this story, with colors that represent our journey and our future. We’ll start with a deep red, symbolizing the pain we’ve endured and the love that fuels our fight. Next, we’ll add a vibrant yellow, the color of the sun, symbolizing hope and the dawn of a new era. We’ll splash blue across the canvas, representing the tears we’ve cried and the healing that has come from them. Finally, we’ll add white, the color of purity and new beginnings, representing the world we are creating together.

As we add each color, we’ll bless it with water infused with our collective intention, turning this canvas into a portal of transformation. This is our story, our fight, and our victory.

Together, we rise. Together, we create a new world.

Rise up, Stand tall, We're taking the Call

I ask you, not as a leader, but as one of you, to stand with me. Let us take the pain, the betrayal, the despair, and transform it into something powerful, something beautiful. Let us create a world where love and light are our guiding forces, where we stand strong in the face of adversity, and where we rise, not as individuals, but as a united force for good.

This is our moment. This is our time to shine.

Today, I stand before you as Dana, incarnated as an Earth Angel, a beacon of hope in a world that has known too much pain, betrayal, and despair. We are on the cusp of something extraordinary, a new era where we no longer remain passive in the face of injustice, manipulation, and darkness. The time has come for us to rise up, to stand strong, and to reclaim the power that has been taken from us.

Story Through Collage:

Let’s try something completely different. You’re at a crossroads, and the weight of the world feels unbearable. But what if, just for today, you let your sadness and tears be the ink for a new kind of creation? Here’s a unique approach to help you channel these overwhelming emotions:

Story Through Collage

2024-08-17 Intuitive Guidance – Tarot Readings and Inspiration

Intuitive Kev “Illusion of Real Love they cast has worn off Everyone seeing the part they played in the foolery”

Intuitivegoddess333 “p.1 I know its forbidden I’m everything ur afraid of but I love you let me show u my world”

Intuitivegoddess333 “p.2 can you believe I would do nothing to harm u look at all the ppl I slayed for you already”

Drake – Energy


Intuitivegoddess333 “this person Ruined. there reputation by trying to destroy ur life... without cause.. “

Justin Timberlake “What Goes Around.. Comes Around”

 Intuitive Kev “Every time they try to end something you get another WIN 🏆Death Magic they’ve done is backfiring”

 Tenille Talks “Karmic Justice Returns| #345 |You Are Favored and Protected | Luck, Expansion and Growth |“

 Tenille Talks “Expect The Unexpected | Your Luck Is About To Change |You Have Been Preparing For This Moment”

 Intuitive Kev “Illusion of Real Love they cast has worn off🫣Everyone seeing the part they played in the foolery”


Eclipse Energies That No Longer Serve You

To all who have survived the invisible battles at home, know that you are warriors of light. The pain, the manipulation, and the fear do not define you. They are part of your past, but they are not your future. Every scar you bear, whether visible or not, is a testament to your strength and resilience.

This ceremony will help you release the energies that no longer serve you and create space for the love and light of the Creator to fill your life.

The Torus Eclipse

In this powerful piece, Dana captures the battle between light and darkness, symbolizing her journey of spiritual awakening and protection. The central figure of the painting, the Torus, represents her as a starseed Earth Angel, standing strong and untouchable amidst the chaos. Surrounding the Torus are dark entities, including a prominent demon being eclipsed and removed from her energy field. This demon symbolizes the toxic ties she had with her ex-husband, now severed through divine intervention. In the lower right corner, smaller goblins and malevolent forces lurk, trying to penetrate her defenses, but they fail as the Torus radiates divine light, pushing back against the dark.

The painting captures a moment of transformation, where the negative energies are being banished, and Dana steps into her full power, untouched and victorious. This painting serves as a reminder of the strength we all carry within us, to stand tall in the face of adversity and allow the light to eclipse the darkness in our lives.

Message and Exercise - Inspire New Energy and Bring a Renewed Sense of Hope and Determination

Life has a way of presenting us with challenges that seem insurmountable, moments that push us to our limits and make us question everything. It’s in these moments of deep struggle that we have a choice: to let the weight of the world bury us, or to rise up, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

This message and exercise are meant to inspire new energy, offer fresh perspectives, and bring a renewed sense of hope and determination. We’re on the right path, and every step we take, no matter how small, is a step toward our highest self.

Message for My Boys and Families Seeking Safety

My dear boys, I want you to know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I have been working tirelessly to find us a safe place where we can all be together again, away from the chaos and the struggles. I didn't realize that getting divorced from Dad would mean not seeing you, and I miss you more than words can express.

Stay strong, my boys, and remember that I am always with you, fighting for us, fighting for a brighter tomorrow."

This message and exercise are for anyone facing similar struggles, who needs a reminder that they are not alone. Let’s keep moving forward together, with hope and love as our guides.

Traditional Torus Energy Exercise for Rejuvenation, Gratitude, and Love

As we begin this sacred exercise, let us pause and reconnect with the roots of our being. In the mystical journey of life, there are moments when we feel disconnected, lost, or overwhelmed. It is in these moments that we must return to the essence of our purpose, the source of our strength, and the love that flows through all creation. This Torus Energy Exercise is dedicated to giving thanks, expressing gratitude, and renewing our connection to the Creator, the Universe, our ancestors, spiritual guides, and all conscious beings.

As you complete this Torus Energy Exercise, take a moment to sit in stillness. Feel the gratitude in your heart, the connection to all that is, and the love that flows through you. Remember, even in the darkest moments, the Creator is with you, guiding you, and supporting you on your journey. You are never alone, and your purpose is unfolding perfectly, in divine timing.

Thank you for being a beacon of light in this world. Your journey is sacred, and your presence is a gift to all

Small Steps, Big Moves.

Today is a day where the fog feels heavy, and the sunshine seems just out of reach. We all have days like this—days when it feels like the weight of the world is pressing down, and even the simplest tasks seem like monumental challenges. These are the days when getting out of bed, straightening up the room, or facing our financial realities can feel like climbing a mountain.

This rap is more than just a beat and rhyme; it’s a reminder that even on the toughest days, we have the power to move forward. Let’s embrace the small steps and trust that they will lead to big moves. Together, we can create the momentum we need to rise above the fog and shine our light on the world.

New World Vision

Welcome, beloved souls, to a vision of our future, a world that we are co-creating together—a world where unity, peace, and love are not just dreams but lived realities. Today, we will journey together through the steps of transformation, the healing that is needed, and the tangible actions we must take to build this new reality. This is not just a vision for the end result, but a roadmap for the journey, filled with realistic hope and profound beauty

Step Into Your True Purpose

Today, as you step into your true purpose, know that every hesitation you once felt has been shattered. You are no longer bound by the limitations of the past. The Creator has bestowed upon you the gifts you need to heal, create, and transform the world around you. Trust in your abilities, trust in the love that flows through you, and know that you are a beacon of light in a world that needs your presence.

The time for waiting is over. You are called to rise, to shine, to step fully into your power. The world is ready for you, and you are ready for the world. Embrace your gifts, share your love, and watch as the universe aligns with your highest intentions. You are the unicorn, the dragonfly, the star that guides others to their own light.

Let this Torus Energy Exercise be a reminder that you are never alone in this journey. The Creator, your divine guides, and all the energies of the universe are supporting you every step of the way. Go forth and create the reality you desire, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.

Message and Torus Energy Exercise - In the Embrace of Love

To everyone on this journey, I want you to know that I see you, I feel you, and I understand the weight of walking alone through the trials of life. We all face moments when we feel like the road is too long, the burdens are too heavy, and the light seems far away. It’s in these moments that we must remember, we are never truly alone. Just as Christ carried the weight of the world and left his footprints in the sand, I want you to know that you are being held, supported, and guided by forces seen and unseen.

Imagine each step you take as a small pebble—one that, when combined with the others, builds the path forward. My grandmother always believed in the power of small, consistent steps, and it’s a lesson that resonates deeply within me. When the mountain feels too high, remember that you don’t have to climb it all at once. Just take the next step, and then the next. Before you know it, those small pebbles will have carried you farther than you ever imagined.

I want to be the one who helps you take those steps. When you feel like you can’t move forward, climb on my back, and together we will walk this path. Let my footsteps in the sand be your guide. I am here, as an Earth Angel, to help create a path that is easier for you to follow. I want you to feel held, comforted, and deeply loved, not just by me, but by the Creator, who is always just a prayer away.

This message is not just words—it’s a hug, a warm embrace from someone who knows what it’s like to feel the weight of the world. It’s a promise that you are not alone, and that no matter how many elephants there are to eat, we will do it together, one bite at a time. You are strong, you are loved, and you are supported every step of the way.

2024-08-14 Text Messages July 11 2024 - July 28 2024

2024-08-14 Text Messages June 28 2024 - July 11 2024

2024-08-14 Text Messages June 17 2024 - June 28 2024

2024-08-14 Text Messages May 4 2024 - June 16 2024

2024-08-13 Text Messages January 30 2024 - April 6 2024

Tribute and Thanks Statement

I am continuously guided by the divine to the right sources of wisdom, insight, and healing. Today, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the incredible souls who have unknowingly walked this journey with me, offering their guidance through the channels of divine messages.

  • Mermaid Prophetess for her powerful message in 'KARMIC KEEPS DF NAME IN HER MOUTH! Messed Around and Got Hit With Karmic Justice'. Your wisdom helped me understand the justice unfolding in my life and gave me strength to keep moving forward.

  • Intuitivegoddess333 for the insights shared in 'someone is in deep Despair about the money they lost for being unfair toward you' and 'they are starting to see due to the choices they made is why they are in this situation ur unfazed by it'. Your clarity guided me through the fog of betrayal and reminded me of the power in staying true to oneself.

  • Answered That For You for the enlightening short on 'How Eminem Wrote Lose Yourself'. It was a reminder of resilience, creativity, and the power of staying focused on your path despite the odds.

  • FreeForFrofit Type Beat for the dark, powerful beats that accompanied my reflections today. The energy in '[Dark Trap Type Beat] 1 Hour Mix Best of My Instrumental 2024/7/28' was the perfect backdrop for channeling my emotions and manifesting my intentions.

  • Intuitive Kev for his deep truths in 'Finally seeing you for the SweetHeart you are and Realizing this was all fake/all about money' and 'Attempting to end things for you Backfired on them Trapped in the Karmic situations they created'. Your readings resonate on a soul level and have helped me piece together the bigger picture.

  • Tenille Talks for the powerful messages in 'A Break-Up Spell Was Done To End The Future Of Your Connection | You Were Targeted | PTSD Visions' and 'You Are the Spiritual Judge | Soulmate Connections Revealed Your Hidden Treasures | Royal Power'. Your words helped me step into my power as a spiritual judge and realize the divine responsibility I carry.

  • Taylor Swift for the beauty in 'Enchanted (Taylor’s Version)'. The lyrics and melody sparked a sense of wonder and reminded me of the magic that still exists in the world, even amidst the chaos.

  • Maji Got The T for her inspiring words in 'AFTER SO MUCH PAIN & HEARTBREAK GOD IS ABOUT TO GIVE YOU TRUE LOVE & HAPPILY EVER AFTER 111,222', 'YOU ARE THE SECRET GOD IS BRINGING TO THE LIGHT & REVEALING TO THE WORLD – SECRET SOCIETIES KNOW OF YOU', and 'GOD IS NOT DONE WITH YOU YET FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH MANIFEST ONE WISH TONIGHT!'. Your guidance is a beacon of hope, showing that no matter the struggle, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Each of you has contributed to my journey in ways that words can barely express. Together, we've unraveled the layers of deception, faced the shadows, and risen to embrace the truth. I am honored to walk this path with you, and I know that we are all interconnected in this divine mission to bring love, light, and justice to the world.

Mermaid Prophetess “KARMIC KEEPS DF NAME IN HER MOUTH! Messed Around and Got Hit With Karmic Justice”

Intuitivegoddess333 “someone is in deep Despair about the money they lost for being unfair toward you”

Answered That For You “How Eminem Wrote Lose Yourself”

FreeForFrofit Type Beat “[Dark Trap Type Beat] 1 Hour Mix Best of My Instrumental 2024/7/28  

Intuitivegoddess333 “they are starting to see due to the choices they made is why they in this situation ur unfazed by it”  

Intuitive Kev “Finally seeing you for the SweetHeart you are and Realizing this was all fake/all about money”

Intuitive Kev “Attempting to end things for you Backfired on them Trapped in the Karmic situations they created”

Tenille Talks “A Break-Up Spell Was Done To End The Future Of Your Connection | You Were Targeted | PTSD Visions”

Tenille Talks “You Are the Spiritual Judge | Soulmate Connections Revealed Your Hidden Treasures | Royal Power”

Taylor Swift “Enchanted (Taylor’s Version) (Lyric Video)”




Update on My Foot and the Healing Progress

Hey everyone! I wanted to take a moment to update you all on how my foot is doing after the healing ceremony we performed. As many of you know, I recently had a bit of an incident at the gym where I ended up with a pretty nasty injury to my foot. But thanks to the incredible power of the Torus Energy Exercise and divine guidance, I'm thrilled to share some amazing progress with you all!

Despite the injury, I've been able to walk, run, and even hit the gym today! I ran up and down the stairs and did 10 minutes on the elliptical at level 8. The healing is going much better than I could have ever anticipated. Physically, the foot still has some repair to do, but it's already way better than it was. I can feel the strength returning, and I'm truly amazed at how quickly it's bouncing back.

I know a lot of you have been super curious about how the healing is going, and I'm more than happy to share! Let me show you the progress.

As you can see, I'm able to put weight on it, and it’s holding up strong. I’m truly grateful for the divine intervention and the support from all of you. This just goes to show that with faith, intention, and the right energy, we can overcome challenges that seem insurmountable.

I hope this encourages everyone to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles you face. Healing is possible, and even in the toughest times, there’s always a way to rise above. I’ll continue to keep you updated as things progress, but for now, I’m just so thankful to be able to share this victory with you all. Stay strong, stay positive, and remember, we’re all in this together!

Judgment Ceremony and Torus Energy Exercise Rap: A Call for Divine Justice

Dear audience, today I stand before you with a heart full of love and a spirit guided by divine light. I have walked a path filled with trials, betrayals, and unimaginable challenges, yet here I stand, stronger than ever, ready to fulfill my divine purpose. The Creator has bestowed upon me the power to call for judgment—not out of anger, but out of a deep desire to restore balance and harmony to this world. Tonight, we are not seeking retribution, but transformation. We are here to call upon divine justice to expose the truth, heal the wounds, and bring peace to those who have been oppressed and wronged.

As we conclude this sacred ceremony, let us take a moment to send love and light to those who have wronged us. Let us release any anger, any pain, and replace it with compassion. We are here to heal, to transform, and to bring about a new era of peace and justice. Together, we stand strong, united in our purpose, and guided by the Creator’s love.

Thank you for joining me tonight. May you carry this light within you, and may it guide you on your path. Remember, we are all connected, and together, we can create the world we wish to see.

Text Messages January 30, 2024 - April 6, 2024

Torus Energy Exercise: Healing and Protection version for Ex and Sister

My awareness has brought light to a shadow that was hidden. The realization of my sister's involvement and the severity of my ex-husband's actions are heavy burdens to carry, but I need to remember I’m not alone in this. The Creator sees all and is with me in every step I take. My mission now is to continue to stand in my truth, to seek justice with compassion, and to call upon the divine forces to guide, protect, and heal all those involved. Trust that the truth will prevail and that my light will continue to shine even in the darkest of times.

May this exercise bring healing to all who participate. May it protect those in need and offer redemption to those who seek it. We are all interconnected, and by healing ourselves, we heal the world. Let love be our guide, and may peace and light reign in our hearts forever.

Tribute and Thanks (08/12/2024)

Before I dive into today's experience, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to those who have inspired and guided me along this path. Their wisdom and insights have been invaluable, helping me navigate the challenges and discover the light within every situation.

I want to thank the following individuals for their incredible teachings and support:

  • TenilleTalks – Your guidance on recognizing the pains of expansion and staying true to my elevated frequency has been a beacon of light.

  • Mermaid Prophetess – Your readings resonate deeply, offering clarity and helping me see through the illusions with love and compassion.

  • Son of God – Your messages on divine purpose have been a source of strength and inspiration as I continue on my journey.

  • Sallay – The healing frequencies you share have been a powerful tool in my rituals, bringing peace and balance to my energy.

Thank you all for the love, light, and knowledge you continue to share with the world. I am deeply grateful and honored to be a part of this collective journey."

528hz Ancient Miracle Healing Sleep Frequency by Sallay .

The event and the following links and readers were the divine guidance and inspiration for tonights healing ceremony -

TenilleTalks "The Pains of Your Expansion | Your Frequency Has Elevated |The Message You Need Is Right Where U R"

TenilleTalks "You Were Divine Bait | Every Cause Has An Effect |Your Divine Inspirations Cause Envy and Jealousy"

Mermaid Prophetess "They Lied So Bad So He Could Think You Were the Karmic! This is Crazy Watch it Unfold"

Son of God " GOD HID YOU SINCE A CHILD UP UNTIL THIS POINT👑 You were reincarnated for a Divine PURPOSE"

Mermaid Prophetess "PRAYING FOR DF TO SAVE HIM! DM Admits You Were Right About All of Them"

Mermaid Prophetess "SO JEALOUS OF YOU! They Hooked Him Up With the Karmic to Create Chaos"

Mermaid Prophetess “KARMIC KEEPS DF NAME IN HER MOUTH! Messed Around and Got Hit With Karmic Justice”

Torus Energy Exercise Healing Ceremony

My beautiful souls, thank you for being here with me in this sacred healing ceremony. Tonight, I’m inviting you to join me in a powerful journey of healing, not just for myself but for everyone who is in need of divine intervention. This is a moment to connect deeply with our higher selves, with the Creator, and with the infinite power of love and light. I have been inspired by divine messages and guided by the energies of the universe to perform this healing, and I feel called to share this with you. To everyone who joined me tonight, thank you. Remember, you are powerful, you are loved, and you are capable of incredible things. The healing energy we’ve created tonight will continue to work within us, within those we love, and within the world. Let’s carry this light forward, sharing it with everyone we meet. Together, we can heal, together we can rise, and together we can create a world filled with love and peace. Post-Ceremony Reflection: Take a moment to journal or reflect on how you feel after the ceremony. Consider what came up for you, and how you can continue to integrate this healing energy into your life. Remember, the journey of healing is ongoing, and you are never alone in it.

Create Your Own Energy

One of my missions is to help energy vampires learn to harness their own energy and stop taking it from others. I’m going to teach you how to generate and use your own energy. Teaching you how to fish. This is an important step for the collective healing of the planet. I encourage everyone, whether you’ve been energy vampires in the past or not, I want you to embrace your own power. The true source of energy lies within us – Life from the Inside Out - and when you learn to tap into that source, you can live a life of abundance, joy, and love. We are uplift not only our community but the entire planet by doing this – an in turn creating a world where everyone is empowered to generate your own light.

Practices to Protect Your Energy

I’ve had a problem my whole life with others trying to steal my energy, especially my community and workplace, it’s been a significant challenge but reaching out to our Creator and tapping into the lessons from our divine guides we can fix this with practical spiritual practices. By integrating these practices into your daily life, you can protect your energy, restore balance, and advocate for a world where everyone’s energy is respected and honored. Remember, as an Earth Angel, your role is to lead by example, showing others the power of light, love, and divine justice.

Understanding the Signs and Embracing Divine Guidance

Hey everyone, I know many of you have been feeling a lot of energy lately—curious about the signs, the synchronicities, the strange occurrences that seem to align with your thoughts or actions. I want to talk to you about what’s been happening to me and how it connects to the larger spiritual awakening we are all experiencing. I’ve been receiving messages from the universe, clear as day, and they are meant not just for me but for all of us. Remember, each of us has a role to play in this great awakening. Let’s support each other, learn together, and spread the love that we’re discovering within ourselves. We’re all in this together, and together, we’ll create the future we’ve always dreamed of.

Understanding Return to Sender Practices and Protection

New Torus Energy Exercise Rap - Protection and Healing

I’ve been reflecting on my practices and aiming to align them with love and light. When it comes to spiritual protection and returning negative energy to its source, it's important to focus on maintaining balance, healing, and compassion, even in self-defense. The intention behind our actions is key.

This Torus Energy Exercise is designed to help you realign with love and light, ensuring that your actions reflect your true intentions and bring healing to all involved.

Break Up Letter Responses - Charles 2024 - Ray 2018

Inspired Videos Watched and Links from 08-10-2024

·         Intuitive Goddess333 someone is speaking out behind the Scenes in wat they really did to u an why they can't heal frm it

·         Eminem – Houdini

·         Intuitive Kev You deserve this😇💸After doing the MOST to block you they’ve manifested Major Losses for themselves💩

·         Upset that your energy is balanced & they cant Manipulate your emotions😫a Major Win coming your way🏆

·         Spiritual Manifestation - They Should Have NEVER Underestimated You! Your Guides Need You To Know This... ✨ Tarot Reading

·         Spiritual Manifestation – This Soul Connection Which You Thought Was Closed Off I Now Re-opening – Divine Feminine Reading -

·         Spiritual Manifestation – This Powerful Shift Has Made You Unrecognizable & You Re Getting Huge Downloads From Your Guides

·         Eminem – Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

·         Eminem Rehanna, NF, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus | XL MIX

·         Eminem, Merkules, 50 Cent, Ed Sheeran, Linkin Park, Jelly Roll, NF, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, XL MIX

·         Spiritual Manifestation - You Have Now Unlocked Your Highest Timeline! Your Spirit Guides Want You To Know This… Reading

·         Spiritual Manifestation – This Specific Divine Masculine Has Unexpected His Feelings For You When They Saw You Do This

Torus Energy Exercise - Release and Rise

Hey everyone, it's Dana, your Earth Angel, here to share some truth and spread some light. I know many of you have been through battles, felt the weight of the world, and faced demons that seemed too strong to fight. But let me tell you, you're not alone. Today, I want to talk about releasing those dark forces, the pain, and the karmic cycles that hold us back. We'll heal together, and through this Torus Energy Exercise Rap, we're going to transmute that darkness into light, setting ourselves and others free. Let’s rise together!

Remember, every challenge is a chance to grow. Every struggle is a lesson in disguise. Don’t let the darkness hold you down. We’re here to rise, to heal, and to spread light. Trust in divine timing, trust in your path, and know that you’re never alone. Let’s keep spreading love and light, and together, we’ll transform this world.

Special Message for Marshall: Marshall, you’re not just a name, you’re a force, a vibration. Whatever demons you’re facing, know that they’re no match for the love and light within you. Let this rap be a reminder that no matter how dark it gets, you have the power to rise above. I see your struggle, and I’m here with you, every step of the way.

Text Messages January 24, 2024 - January 30, 2024

Love Story Triangle Letters Insights Stairway To Heaven

Envelope Date Night Not for Kiddos

Some Creative Talk about Painting Ideas

Concious Creation Inner Activation Museum Dad's Christmas Gift turned into a Website

Dad and Marty’s Falling in love story.

Military Family 3 Generations

Dad’s 86th Birthday

Torus Energy Exercise Rap for Dana and Marshall: Guided by Divine Canine Helpers

Today, I learned something profound from my little companions, Bella and Barkley. They’ve been guiding me all along, just like divine messengers. Bella’s strength reminds me to stay focused, while Barkley’s gentle side shows me that it’s okay to be soft and kind, even when the world expects us to be tough. Marshall, you and I are reflected in these two, and it’s time we embrace both our strengths and our vulnerabilities. Let’s keep moving forward, guided by love, by divine timing, and by the lessons that come our way—no distractions, no fear, just pure divine purpose. Let’s spread the light, heal the world, and rise together.

My Magical Chav-A-Loos

"Hello everyone! I’m so excited to share something very close to my heart with you all—it's the beginning of the Cha-Va-Loo Series. This idea started as a fun, creative way to study the Gene Keys for myself, but it quickly blossomed into something much bigger and more magical.

When I first embarked on this journey, I wanted to make learning fun, especially for children. As someone who has taught primary and Sunday school for years, I know how powerful a simple rhyme can be in helping us connect with deeper concepts. So, I thought, why not take these complex ideas—like the Gene Keys, the I Ching, and all the golden threads that weave through our understanding of the universe—and turn them into a beautiful, interactive picture book series?

The Cha-Va-Loo Series is more than just stories. It's an exploration of our interconnectedness, a journey through a magical world filled with wisdom, colors, shapes, and of course, animals! I’ve always been connected to my puppies, Bella and Barkley, but after my ayahuasca experience, something incredible happened—they became my guides, teaching me lessons about the universe every single day. It’s as if the stories of Bella and Barkley came to life— my manifestation came true - they're my magical companions who lead me through my journey, just as they will for the characters in our books.

This series isn’t just for children—it's for everyone who believes in the magic of learning and the beauty of nature. Every leaf, every tree, whispers a story, wild and free. In the Cha-Va-Loo Series, you'll find tales of adventure, love, and the wisdom that nature offers us every day.

Now, I haven’t finished the series yet because I’m still learning—I’m taking AI classes with Mindvalley to help me really bring this vision to life. I want to make sure that each concept is solid, that the lessons build upon each other in a meaningful way, and that the stories resonate with everyone who reads them.

So, come along with me on this magical journey! The world of Cha-Va-Loo is still unfolding, and I’m so excited to share it with you all as it grows. Let's discover the magic in every moment and the lessons in every leaf together.

Stay tuned for more adventures, and remember, in every leaf, in every tree, a story whispers, wild and free. I can't wait to bring more tales anew in the magical world of Cha-Va-Loo!"

Torus Energy Exercise Rap: Divine Protection and Justice

Dear friends and fellow travelers on this journey of life, today I stand before you to share an exercise that has brought me strength, courage, and divine protection in the most challenging times. We all face trials and tribulations, but we must remember that we are never alone. The Creator is with us, guiding us, protecting us, and helping us to navigate through even the darkest of times. No matter what you are going through, know that you have the power within you to call upon divine assistance to right the wrongs, heal your wounds, and protect your soul.

Today, we will embark on a Torus Energy Exercise designed to invoke divine intervention for protection and justice. This exercise is a call to the Creator to shield us from harm, to expose and correct the wrongs that have been done, and to fill our lives with light, love, and hope."

Remember, dear ones, that every interaction is an opportunity to spread light and love. Trust in your path and the divine timing of each moment. The Creator is always with you, guiding you, protecting you, and helping you to overcome any obstacle. Together, we can right the wrongs, heal the wounds, and create a world filled with peace, love, and justice. Let us continue to surrender to the divine will and trust that we are exactly where we need to be, doing exactly what we need to do. We are stronger than we know, and with the Creator by our side, nothing is impossible.

Torus Energy Exercise Rap: "Spread Light and Love"

Yo, listen up everyone, it's time to spread some divine light and love in everything we do. Every interaction, every moment, it's an opportunity to shine. Trust in your path and the divine timing of each moment. Let's elevate our work and our lives with this Torus Energy Exercise Rap. Let's get it!

Integration Practices:

1.  Daily Affirmations:

o    Start each day by repeating the chorus: "I am light, I am love, in every moment I rise above. Trust in my path, it’s divine, spreading love, it’s always time."

2.  Mindfulness Moments:

o    Take a few minutes each hour to center yourself. Breathe deeply, visualize light and love surrounding you, and reaffirm your trust in divine timing.

3.  Intentional Interactions:

o    Before each meeting or interaction, set an intention to spread light and love. Visualize the positive impact you will have.

4.  Reflective Journaling:

o    At the end of each day, reflect on your interactions. Write about how you spread light and love, and acknowledge the synchronicities you experienced.

5.  Infused Water:

o    Drink water infused with the intention of light and love. Each sip is a reminder of your divine purpose and the love you’re spreading.

Message to the Audience: Hey everyone, we’re all part of something bigger. Each moment is a gift, each interaction is a chance to spread love and light. Trust the journey, trust the divine timing. Keep shining, keep spreading love, and watch how the universe responds. We’re in this together, let’s make every moment count.

Shout Out to Intuitive Kev - Listened to this today and look what happened!!! Got a new set up, a beat, my computer right here... you don't need much - I already had all of this... you can do wonders with the things that we already have.

Torus Energy Exercise Rap – Heal Marshall – Fight Corruption – Shine Light

Yo, what’s up everyone? This is Dana the Earth Angel, coming at you with a Torus Energy Exercise Rap. This one’s for my divine mission, to heal Marshall Mathers, to fight the corruption, and to shine a light in the darkest places. Let’s do this!

So that’s it, y’all. Remember, God hears you, He sees your struggles, and He’s got a plan. We’re here to heal, to love, and to spread the light. Keep fighting, keep believing. This is Dana the Earth Angel, signing off. Peace and love to all.

Torus Energy Exercise Heal Marshall Fight Corruption Shine Light

Yo, what’s up everyone? This is Dana the Earth Angel, coming at you with a Torus Energy Exercise Rap. This one’s for my divine mission, to heal Marshall Mathers, to fight the corruption, and to shine a light in the darkest places. Let’s do this!

Sanctuary Healing and Unity Rap Version

Empty House Earth Angel Remix

Hello everyone, I am thrilled to share with you a special project that has been incredibly meaningful to me. As some of you may know, I believe I have incarnated as an Earth Angel, a Star Seed, and a Divine Feminine figure. This journey has brought me deep realizations about my purpose and the power of healing through music.

Today, I present to you the "Empty House - Earth Angel Remix." This song is a collaboration of heartfelt emotions and divine guidance. It's inspired by the incredible synchronicities and intuitive messages I’ve received, many of which were confirmed by wonderful tarot readers like Intuitive Kev and Mermaid Prophetess.

This remix features Jelly Roll and Eminem, but it also includes my personal touch as Dana, the Earth Angel. Together, we aim to transform pain into hope, suffering into healing, and bring a message of divine love and forgiveness to the world. This song tells a story of struggle, resilience, and the power of divine intervention.

Before we dive into the music, I want to thank all the tarot readers who have guided me on this path. Your insights have been invaluable. Here are some links to their powerful readings that resonate deeply with this journey:

• Intuitive Kev – Attempting to ruin your life with Lies and Black Magic is backfiring on a Hateful Karmic Fem

• Intuitive Kev - The fact you already have Clarity is making it hard to manipulate you EVERYTHING is backfiring

• Intuitive Kev – This ends in your favor Opkps taking MAJOR Ls for lies & manipulation Whin they never came for you

• Mermaid Prophetess – KARMIC PLAYED DM! Now He’s Asking for Help Now, let's embark on this musical journey together.

May this song uplift your spirit and bring you closer to the divine love that surrounds us all.

Divine Guidance Forgiveness

This message and exercise help us understand the deeper purpose behind the challenges faced in life, fostering a sense of divine understanding, healing, and transformation.

Torus Energy Exercise Rap Heal Marshall Mathers 08 07 2024

Hey everyone, this is Dana, your Earth Angel. Today, we’re channeling divine energy to heal someone very special to me, Marshall Mathers. This rap is a Torus Energy Exercise designed to invoke healing and divine intervention. Let’s focus our energy, our intentions, and our love towards Marshall as we perform this sacred exercise. Here we go.

Heartfelt Message to Marshall

This heartfelt dialog expresses my deep connection, my resilience, and my unwavering faith in my divine mission with Marshall. It conveys my willingness to forgive, to heal, and to love unconditionally, despite the trials and betrayals.

Creative Remix for Answer to Empty House Earth Angel Remix

Hello, beautiful souls! My name is Dana, and I am an Earth Angel, Star Seed, and an incarnate of the Divine Feminine, Mother Earth. Today, I am here to share a special journey with you, one that intertwines my story with that of a remarkable artist, Marshall Mathers, also known as Eminem.

Through synchronicities and divine guidance, I've been led to understand the depth of Marshall's pain and suffering, much of which mirrors my own experiences. This profound connection has inspired me to create a healing message, a duet that brings hope and reassurance to those who feel lost and unheard. Our stories of struggle, resilience, and ultimately, divine healing, are meant to inspire and uplift everyone who listens.

I invite you to join me in this healing journey, as we use music to bridge the gap between pain and hope, between despair and divine love. Let's embrace the light together and heal our hearts with the knowledge that God listens and answers our prayers. This is the Earth Angel Remix of 'Empty House.

A Child’s Prayer

God Answers Every Prayer. Child hood memories and how a song with God Answering has help me through many difficulties and I still know that he listens and answers every prayer - especially in very unexpected ways

Revised Song Lyrics for "Somebody Save Me" (Earth Angel Remix Version 2)

This is a song called "Somebody Save Me (Earth Angel Remix Version 2)" and it's deeply personal to me. I am an Earth Angel, a Star Seed, an Alien Hybrid, and more. My mission on this planet is to heal and unite, and today I want to focus on healing my divine masculine, Marshall Mathers, and through him, heal all of you. This song is a testament to the struggles we've faced, the pain we've endured, and the incredible power of love and healing that we carry within us.

Marshall, I know you're going through a tough time. This song is for you, and for everyone out there who feels like they need to be saved from their loneliness and pain. Together, we can break these chains, rise from the ashes, and embrace the divine light of the Creator. Let's heal, let's unite, and let's shine.

Sanctuary: Healing and Unity (Rap Version)

I want to guide you through a powerful prayer to invoke sanctuary. This is not just any prayer; it's a rap version, specially designed to resonate with Marshall Mathers and his community. The purpose of this exercise is to break the chains of negative patterns, spells, and curses that bind us, and to embrace the guidance and protection of the Creator. We're here to heal, to transform, and to rise together in divine unity.


Marshall, this exercise is for you. I know you're struggling, and I want you to know that you're not alone. With every word, every intention, we're invoking the divine light to heal and protect. This is our sanctuary, where no evil can penetrate. Together, we'll heal your physical body, your mind, and your soul. Let's rise, let's shine, and let's heal the world.

Torus Energy Exercise Rap to Heal Marshall Mathers

I want to guide you through a very special and sacred Torus Energy Exercise. This exercise is dedicated to healing Marshall Mathers, a man who has gone through so much pain and suffering. I've seen the power of divine healing firsthand when I helped my father recover from his surgery, and I believe with all my heart that we can bring that same healing to Marshall.

Marshall, this is for you. I want you to know that my intentions are pure, and my desire is to help you heal from all the pain you've endured. Let's tap into the divine energy, the power of crystals, and the alchemy of water to bring about this healing. Together, we can turn this beautiful intention into reality.

Recap of Day - Creative Process and Fitting it In

Helps you see a little bit into the day and the creative process to create Somebody Save Me - Earth Angel Remix Version 2 and The Torus Energy Exercise Rap to Heal Marshall Mathers

Started the Creative Process for the day - but interuptions had the creative juices expanding until they were divinely perfect :-) Sometimes things happen so that you can be guided to the right answers and the creations - it’s hard to not schedule and plan everything for me but when I let go and allow the divine to just flow through me… magic happens

We've all had trauma, we've all had pain,

It's time to let go, know we're the same.

Somebody save me, me from myself,

Somebody save me, from this living hell.

***Please I really would like to be saved from the living hell :-)

Last Wedding Vows - Genuine and all in - Betrayed

Somebody Save Me (Earth Angel Remix) Dana's Story added to Jelly Roll and Eminem's song.

Torus Energy Exercise Converted to Rap Song: Breaking Chains of Negative Patterns and Embracing Divine Guidance

Directly Aligns with Intuitive Kev’s Reading: Someone got caught in the same trap they set for you, Mad and projecting because you’re ascending July 9, 2024. Guided to watch August 5, 2024

Divine Message for Dana

Dana, your journey as an Earth Angel, Star Seed, and Divine Feminine is filled with immense challenges and profound revelations. Your divine guides want you to know that you are on the right path, even when it feels overwhelmingly difficult. The synchronicities, the signs, and the struggles are all part of your higher calling. The Creator sees your efforts, your pain, and your unwavering dedication to your mission. You are not alone; the divine realm is with you, supporting you every step of the way.

Your purpose is monumental—to heal, to bring justice, and to uplift humanity. Your connection with Marshall Mathers is part of this divine plan, symbolizing a union that transcends ordinary relationships, aiming to bring about global healing through the power of music and love. Trust in the process, even when it feels like you cannot go on. The Creator has chosen you for this mission because of your strength, resilience, and boundless capacity for love.

Invoke Sanctuary - Instant Protection from the Divine

A prayer that protects you and everything in your space. I use this multiple times in a day. Remember - say it with belief and from the heart - the meaning needs to come through at the same time the words are being read.

Divine Message for Dana's Journey

Dear Dana, Your journey is indeed extraordinary and divinely guided. You are not only navigating the complexities of your own life but also fulfilling a mission that has far-reaching implications for humanity and the planet. We acknowledge your exhaustion and the immense effort you are putting into your mission. Today, we offer you guidance and reassurance to help you continue on your path with strength and clarity.

Trust in Your Story: Your life story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of the divine. The experiences you've had, the challenges you've faced, and the wisdom you've gained are all part of a narrative that can inspire and uplift many. Embrace your story, and let it be the foundation of your message to the world.

Dana’s Divine Message Part 2 - and Torus Energy Exercise -

Divine Intervention for Strength and Justice

Purpose/Request to the Creator: To seek divine intervention for personal strength, justice, adn the ability to fulfill the divine mission of global transformation. THis exercise aims to empower and inspire individuals to embrace their divine purpose and to bring healing, justice, and the unity to the world.

Behind the Scenes - Set Up

Thought you might like to see my set up. I'm just starting out so I don't have the cameras set up for you to see all my crystals or how they spin on the mirror lazy susans. I also show you some of my original artwork - some that has never been posted on my sight (Eclipses Torus and New Portal).

Divine Message and Torus Energy Exercise - Divine Intervention for Strength and Tansformation

Prupose/Request to the Creator: To seek divine intervention for personal strength, transformation, and the promotion of universal harmony. This exercise aims to inspire and empower individuals to recognize their divine purpose and to embrace their role in the collective healing and transfromation of the planet.

Chatham Police Report Water Contamination and No Action Taken to Help

Chatham Police Report Water Contamination and No Action Taken to Help

Today, I had to call the police to my home due to a series of ongoing and escalating issues that have severely impacted my health and safety. For several months, I have been dealing with contaminated water, poor air quality, and general neglect from my landlord and property management. Despite repeated attempts to get help from public health authorities, utilities, and even the FBI, no effective action has been taken. The water in my home has caused burning sensations on my skin, and the air quality has deteriorated to the point where it has affected both me and my pets, causing aggression and discomfort.

The police visit today was an attempt to address these critical issues, but unfortunately, no substantial assistance was provided. The officers acknowledged my concerns but ultimately labeled them as civil matters beyond their immediate capacity to resolve. This ongoing lack of support has left me feeling isolated and unsafe in my own home.

Purpose of the Torus Energy Exercise:

Given the severe and persistent nature of these issues, tonight's Torus Energy Exercise is dedicated to seeking divine intervention and protection. This exercise aims to call upon the Creator's power to bring about safety, health, and justice in my living situation. I seek guidance, support, and resolution to the problems of water contamination, air quality, and overall safety in my home. By aligning with the Creator's will, I hope to transform this negative situation into a positive outcome and ensure the well-being of myself and my family.

Torus Energy Exercse - Divine Intervention for Safety and Resolution

Divine Protection and Clarity in the Face of Danger

Divine Protection and Clarity in the Face of Danger

Hello and welcome to My name is Dana Rachelle, and I’m here to share my story and invite you to join me on a journey of divine protection and healing.

Over the past few months, I have faced numerous dangers and betrayals from those I once trusted. From contaminated water and tampered food to relentless tracking and spiritual attacks, my life has been turned upside down. I’ve had to navigate these challenges with caution and resilience, finding ways to protect myself and seek divine guidance.

Despite the adversity, I remain steadfast in my spiritual journey. It's crucial now more than ever to align with the creator and seek divine protection and clarity. I’ve created a special Torus Energy Exercise to help us connect with divine energies, protect ourselves, and find the guidance we need to overcome these challenges.

[Short pause for emphasis]

In this exercise, we will focus on building a divine shield of protection, gaining clarity and discernment, and invoking divine justice and healing. It's a powerful practice that has brought me immense strength and peace, and I believe it can do the same for you.

I invite you to watch the full video, 'Torus Energy Exercise for Divine Protection and Clarity in the Face of Danger,' and join me in this sacred practice. Together, we can strengthen our connection to the divine, enhance our protection, and navigate through these challenging times with confidence and grace.

Thank you for being here, and I look forward to sharing this transformative journey with you.

[Dana smiles warmly and the screen fades to the website URL and a call to action.]

Text on Screen: "Watch the Full Video Now: Torus Energy Exercise for Divine Protection and Clarity in the Face of Danger. Visit"

Protecting Medicaid Lives: Urgent Request for Help

Protecting Medicaid Lives: Urgent Request for Help

Join me in the fight to protect millions of lives through the HealthChoice Illinois ADT program—your support can make all the difference!

Hello, I’m Dana Rachelle. I’ve dedicated my life to the HealthChoice Illinois ADT program, a critical initiative helping 3.4 million Medicaid lives through real-time data exchange for care coordination. This work is incredibly personal to me, inspired by my sister’s battle with ulcerative colitis.

Unfortunately, my efforts are under attack. Important files and emails have gone missing, and there are deliberate attempts to sabotage my work and dismantle the Health Information Exchange in Illinois. I’m reaching out to the global community for support and advocacy.

In this video, I share my story, the challenges I face, and how you can help. Together, we can protect this vital program and ensure that technology continues to support those in need. Visit my website,, to learn more and join the fight.

Thank you for standing with me in this crucial time. Your support means the world to me and to the millions who rely on this program.

The Mystical Story of Dana, the Star Seed

The Crisis on Earth

In ancient times, Earth found itself at a crossroads. The planet was suffering from the repercussions of greed, hatred, and ignorance. The balance of nature was disrupted, and humanity's disconnect from their divine essence led to widespread chaos and suffering. The once vibrant and harmonious planet was now teetering on the brink of destruction.

The Galactic Federation's Council

Far beyond the stars, the Galactic Federation—a coalition of wise and benevolent beings from various advanced civilizations—convened a council. Their purpose was to find a way to help Earth without violating the principle of free will. They knew that any intervention had to respect the autonomy of Earth's inhabitants while still guiding them towards healing and enlightenment.

The Divine Plan

After much deliberation, the council devised a plan that would integrate divine energies into the fabric of Earth's existence. This plan involved cross-breeding Earth's life forms with Lemurians and other divine beings. The Lemurians, known for their profound spiritual wisdom and deep connection to the universe, were chosen for their ability to bring harmony and balance.

The Birth of Star Seeds

The Galactic Federation selected certain souls, known as Star Seeds, to incarnate on Earth. These souls, like Dana, were infused with the essence of Lemurians and other celestial beings. Their mission was to bring light, love, and wisdom to Earth, acting as beacons of hope and catalysts for change.

Dana's Incarnation

Dana, a soul of immense light and love, volunteered for this mission. Conceived with the essence of a Lemurian, she was born into a world that had forgotten its divine origins. Her presence on Earth was a part of the grand design to heal the planet organically. Dana's life was meant to awaken those around her, to remind them of their own divine nature, and to help them realign with the universal harmony.

The Path of Healing

As Dana grew, she encountered many challenges and adversities. Her community, influenced by darker forces, attempted to suppress her light. However, Dana's connection to the divine remained unbroken. Guided by intuition and celestial messages, she began to awaken to her true identity and purpose.

Dana's mission involved using her unique gifts to heal the wrongs that had been done. She worked to release the planet and its inhabitants from the grips of negative energies, black magic, and disharmony. Through her presence, she sought to:

  • Spread Divine Love: Dana radiated unconditional love, helping others to open their hearts and reconnect with their divine essence.

  • Teach Universal Wisdom: She shared ancient teachings and wisdom that had been forgotten, helping others to understand their true nature and purpose.

  • Heal Through Alchemy: Using her knowledge of energy, crystals, and water, Dana performed Torus Energy Exercises to transmute negative energies into positive vibrations.

  • Guide Souls: Dana assisted trapped souls in transitioning safely to the other side, ensuring they found peace and healing.

  • Promote Harmony: Her efforts aimed to restore balance within communities, encouraging cooperation, compassion, and understanding.

The Ripple Effect

Dana's work began to create ripples of change. As more people awakened to their divine potential, the collective consciousness of Earth started to shift. The planet slowly began to heal, and the universal harmony that had been disrupted started to realign. Dana's mission, though challenging, was crucial in guiding Earth back towards its original state of balance and unity.

The Eternal Mission

Dana's story is a testament to the power of love, wisdom, and divine intervention. It serves as a reminder that even in the face of darkness, light can prevail. The Galactic Federation's plan to heal Earth organically through the incarnation of Star Seeds like Dana is an ongoing mission. Each soul that awakens contributes to the greater purpose of aligning the planet and all its creatures with universal harmony.

Through the collective efforts of Star Seeds, humanity can remember its divine origins, heal the wounds of the past, and create a future filled with love, peace, and enlightenment.

About Me

Ever since I was a child, I’ve had a passion for creating and organizing vibrant worlds. My Lincoln Logs weren’t just for building; I transformed them into elaborate transit systems. My Barbies had thriving careers as teachers, doctors, and even miners, exchanging Mardi Gras beads for money in a makeshift bank. I loved constructing a full, living town with all its intricate dramas more than actually playing with it.

Fast forward to today, and I’m essentially doing the same thing, just on a grander scale. I manage Illinois' Health Choice ADT Program, a central hub for health information across the nation. This program connects healthcare providers, enabling real-time data sharing about patients, thus enhancing care coordination and outcomes. My role involves intricate data analysis, program development, and policy coordination to ensure the smooth functioning of this critical healthcare infrastructure.

My creative spirit extends beyond my professional life into my spirituality. I constantly seek ways to integrate my diverse learnings into practices that promote healing and growth. My aim is to elevate our planet to new heights by unifying various insights into a cohesive whole that can be absorbed and transformed into a collective consciousness. In essence, I’m still the Unifier, bringing together the beautiful gems of knowledge and experience to create something greater for the collective good.

You can explore more about my professional journey and personal endeavors on my websites:

For a look at my career and achievements, you can view my resume here.

Thank you for visiting my page and joining me on this journey of creation, connection, and growth. Let's build something beautiful together.

Dana Rachelle Wilson

True change begins within. By nurturing our inner light, we illuminate the world around us.