Torus Energy Exercise

The Harmonic Ascension for Wholeness and Empowerment

Torus Energy Energy - The Harmonic Ascension for Wholeness and Empowerment

 This exercise is designed to guide individuals through a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Its full intention is to connect deeply with the universal and individual "I AM" presence, facilitating a profound alignment with one's highest potential, the harmonization of mind, body, and spirit, and the realization of innate abilities and unity with all that is.

1.      Releasing Attached Entities

Official Request: To cleanse and shield one's energy field from external influences that hinder personal growth and clarity.

Universal Energy: "I AM the power of pure, divine love and light, repelling all that is not aligned with my highest good."

Individual Energy: "I AM releasing all attachments that do not serve my highest purpose, embracing my true path with clarity and strength."

2.      Mental Clarity and Focus

Official Request: To enhance cognitive functions, enabling clear thinking, decision-making, and memory recall.

Universal Energy: "I AM the essence of clarity and focus, guiding all beings towards their inner truth and wisdom."

Individual Energy : "I AM embodying mental clarity, effortlessly piecing together my memories and thoughts for a coherent understanding of my journey."

3.      Emotional Balance and Healing

Official Request: To stabilize and heal emotional disturbances, fostering inner peace and resilience.

Universal Energy: "I AM the infinite flow of harmony and emotional resilience, nurturing all hearts towards healing."

Individual Energy: "I AM embracing my emotions as guides towards my healing, maintaining balance and peace within my heart."

4.      Awakening Hidden Powers

Official Request: To unlock and cultivate latent abilities and strengths, allowing for their expression in daily life.

Universal Energy: "I AM the catalyst for awakening the dormant powers within, enabling the realization of one's full potential."

Individual Energy : "I AM unlocking my hidden abilities, confidently wielding my powers for the greater good."

5.      Strengthening Spiritual Connection

Official Request: To deepen one's connection to the divine and the universal consciousness, enhancing spiritual awareness and guidance.

Universal Energy: "I AM the bridge to the divine, fostering a deep connection between the soul and the universe."

Individual Energy: "I AM deeply connected to my spiritual essence, guided and protected by the light."

6.      Enhancing Telepathic Abilities

Official Request: To develop and refine telepathic skills, improving non-verbal communication and empathy.

Universal Energy: "I AM the essence of pure communication, facilitating telepathic connections that transcend physical boundaries."

Individual Energy: "I AM mastering my telepathic gifts, connecting with others and the universe with ease and grace."

7.      Mastering Telekinesis

Official Request: To gain control over and manipulate physical objects with the mind, demonstrating the power of focused intention.

Universal Energy: "I AM the flow of effortless control over matter, empowering beings to reshape their reality."

Individual Energy: "I AM in complete command of my telekinetic abilities, manipulating my environment with precision and intent."

8.      Reality Alteration

Official Request: To consciously shape and influence one's reality, aligning it with desired outcomes and dreams.

Universal Energy: "I AM the architect of dreams and reality, weaving the fabric of existence with divine intention."

Individual Energy: "I AM shaping my reality with my thoughts and desires, creating a world that reflects my highest aspirations."

9.      Healing Physical Ailments

Official Request: To promote comprehensive physical healing, rejuvenating the body and optimizing health.

Universal Energy: "I AM the source of ultimate healing, restoring physical wholeness and vitality to all beings."

Individual Energy: "I AM healing my body, rejuvenating every cell with light and energy for optimal health."

10.      Overcoming Fear and Doubt

Official Request: To dismantle and release fear-based thoughts and beliefs, stepping into one's power with confidence.

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement:** "I AM the destroyer of fear, illuminating paths with courage and certainty for all who seek."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement:** "I AM transcending my fears, stepping forward with courage and conviction in my abilities."

11.      Manifesting Desires

Official Request: To attract and materialize one's desires, leveraging the law of attraction and the abundance of the universe.

Universal EnergyAM" Statement:** "I AM the magnet of divine abundance, attracting desires into physical form for the highest good of all."

Individual Energy: "I AM effortlessly manifesting my desires, aligned with the universe's abundance and generosity."

12.      Achieving Oneness and Unity

Official Request: To recognize and embody the interconnectedness of all life, fostering compassion, understanding, and unity.

Universal Energy: "I AM the embodiment of oneness, uniting all creation in harmony and mutual respect."

Individual Energy: "I AM one with the universe, my energies intertwined with the web of life, promoting unity and understanding."