Torus Energy Exercise

Healing Karmic Bonds and Breaking Addictions

“Dear Creator, I request your divine assistance to heal the karmic bonds and break the addictions to black magic that have afflicted my community. Help them release their burdens, find peace, and align their desires with the highest vibration of your eternal plan. Transmute their shadows into gifts and fill their hearts with light and love. Protect me from harm while aiding their healing and restoration.”

1. Awakening Compassion and Understanding

Purpose: To awaken compassion and understanding in the hearts of those afflicted by black magic, encouraging empathy and unity.

Universal Power: I AM the divine compassion that unites all hearts and fosters understanding.

Individual Power: I AM awakening compassion and understanding within myself and others, fostering unity and healing.

Daily Integration: Infuse a glass of water with the intention of awakening compassion. Drink it each morning while affirming your "I AM" statements. Visualize this compassion spreading throughout your community, softening hearts and opening minds.

Guided Enhancement: Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine a soft, golden light filling your heart, radiating warmth and compassion. See this light spreading to those around you, touching their hearts and awakening a sense of empathy and understanding. As you drink your infused water each morning, feel this light growing stronger within you, dispelling any bitterness or resentment. Repeat your "I AM" statements with a deep sense of connection to all beings, knowing that this compassion will foster unity and healing in your community.

2. Releasing Addictions and Breaking Chains

Purpose: To release the addiction to black magic and break the chains of karmic bonds.

Universal Power: I AM the divine force that releases all addictions and breaks all chains.

Individual Power: I AM releasing all addictions to black magic and breaking the chains of karmic bonds within myself and others.

Daily Integration: During daily activities, such as brushing your teeth, repeat the "I AM" statements, visualizing the breaking of chains and the release of addiction.

Guided Enhancement: Find a comfortable place to sit and close your eyes. Visualize yourself surrounded by chains, each link representing an addiction or karmic bond. See a powerful, divine light emanating from within you, dissolving these chains one by one. As you brush your teeth or engage in other daily routines, repeat your "I AM" statements, feeling the liberation and freedom from these bindings. Embrace this newfound freedom and commit to a path of light and integrity.

3. Healing the Inner Child

Purpose: To heal the inner child from past traumas and emotional wounds caused by black magic.

Universal Power: I AM the pure love that heals all wounds and restores wholeness.

Individual Power: I AM healing my inner child, releasing all pain and restoring emotional well-being within myself and others.

Daily Integration: Meditate for a few minutes each day, placing your hands over your heart, and repeat the "I AM" statements, visualizing a radiant light healing your inner child.

Guided Enhancement: Sit quietly and place your hands over your heart. Feel the gentle rhythm of your heartbeat and imagine a warm, golden light flowing from your hands into your heart, soothing and healing your inner child. Visualize this light filling you with pure love and compassion, dissolving any pain or trauma stored within. During your daily meditation, focus on this healing light and repeat your "I AM" statements, embracing the love and protection that fills your being. Let this light guide you in healing your community, offering the same love and compassion to others.

4. Restoring Inner Peace and Harmony

Purpose: To restore inner peace and harmony, eliminating anxiety and fear caused by black magic.

Universal Power: I AM the peace that transcends all fear and anxiety.

Individual Power: I AM restoring inner peace, releasing all anxiety and fear within myself and others.

Daily Integration: Practice deep breathing exercises, focusing on your "I AM" statements, to cultivate peace and calm throughout the day.

Guided Enhancement: Find a serene spot where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. With each inhale, imagine drawing in a calming, blue light. With each exhale, release any tension, anxiety, or fear, allowing it to dissolve into the air. Visualize this blue light filling your entire being, creating a tranquil sanctuary within. As you continue your deep breathing exercises throughout the day, repeat your "I AM" statements, reinforcing your inner peace and calm. Let this practice become a touchstone, bringing you back to a state of harmony whenever you need it.

5: Releasing Negative Entities and Influences

Purpose: To release all negative entities and influences from your energy field and that of others.

Universal Power: I AM the divine force that releases all negative entities and influences.

Individual Power: I AM releasing all negative entities and influences from my energy field and helping others do the same.

Daily Integration: Visualize a protective light surrounding you and your community, expelling any negative entities, while repeating your "I AM" statements during your evening routine.

Guided Enhancement: Stand or sit quietly and close your eyes. Picture a brilliant, white light descending from above and enveloping you in a protective sphere. This light is your divine armor, impenetrable and powerful. As you breathe deeply, see any negative entities or influences being drawn out of your energy field and dissolved by this light. Each evening, as you prepare for rest, visualize this protective light around you and your community, cleansing and purifying your space. Repeat your "I AM" statements, feeling the strength and purity of this divine force, and rest peacefully, knowing you and those around you are protected and free from negativity.

6. Unveiling Truth and Clarity

Purpose: To unveil and see the truth in all aspects of life, breaking illusions caused by black magic.

Universal Power: I AM the truth that dispels all illusions and reveals reality.

Individual Power: I AM unveiling the truth in my life and in the lives of others, seeing through all illusions and deceptions.

Daily Integration: Reflect on your day before sleeping, affirming your "I AM" statements, and asking for clarity and truth to be revealed in your dreams.

Guided Enhancement: Find a quiet moment at the end of your day. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize a veil slowly lifting from your eyes, revealing a landscape of clarity and truth. As this veil lifts, see the world around you in its purest, most honest form. Reflect on your day, asking for any hidden truths or insights to be revealed. Repeat your "I AM" statements with intention, inviting clarity and understanding into your consciousness. Trust that your dreams will bring further insights, guiding you towards a deeper awareness and truth in all aspects of your life.

7. Empowering Personal Will and Determination

Purpose: To empower your personal will and strengthen your resolve.

Universal Power: I AM the unstoppable force of divine will and determination.

Individual Power: I AM empowering my will and the will of others, strengthening our resolve to overcome all challenges.

Daily Integration: Incorporate the "I AM" statements into your workout or physical activities, using them to fuel your determination and strength.

Guided Enhancement: During your workout or physical activity, take a moment to close your eyes and connect with your inner strength. Visualize a powerful, golden flame burning within your core, representing your will and determination. As you exercise, imagine this flame growing brighter and more intense with each movement, fueling your body and spirit. Repeat your "I AM" statements, feeling the unstoppable force of your divine will propelling you forward. Let this practice not only enhance your physical strength but also fortify your mental and emotional resilience, empowering you to overcome any obstacles in your path and inspire others to do the same.

8. Connecting with Higher Guidance and Wisdom

Purpose: To connect with higher guidance and receive divine insights.

Universal Power: I AM the open channel for divine guidance and wisdom.

Individual Power: I AM connecting with higher guidance, receiving insights and wisdom for myself and others.

Daily Integration: Set aside time each day to journal, inviting higher guidance, and recording any insights or messages you receive.

Guided Enhancement: Create a sacred space for journaling, free from distractions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, centering yourself. Visualize a beam of light descending from the heavens, entering through the top of your head, and flowing down into your heart. This light represents the wisdom and guidance of the divine. As you open your journal, feel this light guiding your hand, bringing forth insights and messages. Repeat your "I AM" statements, affirming your openness to receive divine guidance. Allow your journaling to become a daily ritual, connecting you to higher wisdom and deepening your understanding and intuition, while also inspiring others to seek their own divine insights.

9. Transforming Negative Energy into Positive Healing

Purpose: To transform all negative energy into positive, healing energy.

Universal Power: I AM the alchemist transforming all negativity into divine positivity.

Individual Power: I AM transforming all negative energy within me and others into positive, healing energy.

Daily Integration: Visualize negative energy transforming into light while repeating your "I AM" statements during daily chores or tasks.

Guided Enhancement: As you go about your daily chores or tasks, take a moment to pause and visualize any negative energy around or within you. See this energy as a dark, heavy cloud. Now, imagine a brilliant, golden light radiating from your heart, reaching out to this cloud. Watch as the light envelops the darkness, transforming it into shimmering, positive energy. Repeat your "I AM" statements, feeling the shift within you as negativity turns into positivity and healing. Embrace this practice as a way to cleanse and elevate your environment, making each task an act of transformation and encouraging others to do the same.

10: Strengthening Divine Connection

Purpose: To strengthen your connection with the divine and feel supported.

Universal Power: I AM deeply connected to the divine, feeling the support and love always.

Individual Power: I AM strengthening my divine connection, feeling supported and loved.

Daily Integration: Spend a few minutes in nature, repeating your "I AM" statements, and feeling the connection with the divine through the natural world.

Guided Enhancement: Find a peaceful spot in nature where you can sit quietly. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, inhaling the fresh, life-giving air. Feel the ground beneath you, solid and supportive. As you breathe, visualize roots growing from your body into the earth, anchoring you deeply. Imagine these roots drawing up the earth’s energy, filling you with a profound sense of connection and support. Feel the sun’s warmth or the cool breeze on your skin, recognizing these as gentle touches from the divine. As you repeat your "I AM" statements, embrace the sensation of being held and loved by the universe, reinforcing your bond with the divine in every breath and moment.

11. Manifesting Abundance

Purpose: To manifest abundance in all areas of life, aligning with divine flow.

Universal Power: I AM the abundant flow of divine prosperity and blessings.

Individual Power: I AM manifesting abundance in my life and in the lives of others, aligning with the divine flow.

Daily Integration: As you engage in financial activities, such as paying bills or budgeting, affirm your "I AM" statements, visualizing abundance flowing into your life and others'.

Guided Enhancement: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize a golden river of abundance flowing towards you, filled with prosperity, opportunities, and blessings. See yourself standing at the riverbank, joyfully receiving this flow into your life. As you handle your financial activities, imagine each task being infused with this golden energy, transforming routine actions into powerful acts of manifestation. Repeat your "I AM" statements, feeling the abundance filling every part of your life and extending to those around you. Embrace this practice as a way to align with the divine flow, welcoming prosperity and blessings with gratitude and open arms, and inspiring others to seek and embrace their own abundance.

12. Anchoring the New Reality

Purpose: To anchor the new reality of freedom, truth, and divine alignment.

Universal Power: I AM anchoring the new reality of divine freedom and truth.

Individual Power: I AM anchoring a new reality in my life and in the lives of others, living in alignment with divine truth.

Daily Integration: End each day by visualizing your new reality, repeating your "I AM" statements, and expressing gratitude for the transformation taking place.

Guided Enhancement: At the end of each day, find a quiet space and close your eyes. Visualize your ideal reality—a world where freedom, truth, and divine alignment prevail. See yourself thriving in this new reality, embodying peace, joy, and fulfillment. As you repeat your "I AM" statements, feel the energy of this new reality anchoring into your being, becoming more tangible and real with each affirmation. Express deep gratitude for the transformations unfolding in your life, knowing that each day brings you closer to fully embodying this divine truth. Let this practice solidify your commitment to living in alignment with your highest self and the divine plan, and inspire others to anchor their own realities in truth and freedom.