Torus Energy Exercise

Realign with Highest Self and Universal Source

Torus Energy Exercise – Realign with Highest Self and Universal Source

Fostering Healing, Empowerment, and a Profound Sense of Unity with all Creation


In the context of profound spiritual healing and transformation, an exercise like the Torus Energy Exercise can be envisioned as a powerful tool for cleansing, protection, and restoration of one's energy field, particularly in confronting dark energies or influences such as those implied by the misuse of substances like adrenochrome and the exploitation of innocents. This exercise would be aimed at not only healing and reclaiming one's sovereignty but also at contributing to the collective healing of humanity and the Earth.


Overview and Purpose


The Torus Energy Exercise is designed to activate and empower the individual's toroidal energy field, which is a natural aspect of the human energy anatomy. This field resembles a donut-shaped vortex that surrounds the body, extending above the head and below the feet, circulating energy throughout the body and exchanging it with the universe. The purpose of this exercise is to cleanse the individual and collective energy fields of negative influences, to restore balance and harmony, and to affirm one's connection to the universal source of love and light. It aims to counteract the darkness associated with practices like the exploitation for adrenochrome, replacing fear and pain with healing, love, and unity.

1.       Cleansing and Purification


Official Request: To cleanse and purify the individual and collective energy fields from all negative influences.

Universal Energy: "I AM the purification and liberation of all energy fields."

Individual Energy: "I AM the embodiment of purity and light, cleansing my energy field of all negativity and darkness."

2.       Severance from Dark Entities or Energies


Official Request: To sever and release all ties, contracts, and connections with dark entities or energies.

Universal Energy: "I AM the severance of ties with darkness and the reclamation of divine light."

Individual Energy: "I AM severing all ties and contracts with entities that do not serve my highest good, reclaiming my energy for the light."

3.       Healing and Restoration


Official Request: To heal the wounds and traumas inflicted upon innocent beings, restoring their wholeness and sovereignty.

Universal Energy: "I AM the healing and restoration of innocence and sovereignty."

Individual Energy: "I AM healing all wounds and traumas with love and light, restoring wholeness and peace to every part of my being."

4.       Dissolution of Manipulation and Control


Official Request: To dissolve all forms of manipulation, control, and exploitation from the individual and collective consciousness.

Universal Energy: "I AM the dissolution of manipulation and the freedom of consciousness."

Individual Energy: "I AM dissolving all forms of manipulation and control, freeing my consciousness to embody its true sovereignty."

5.       Activation of Protective Qualities


Official Request: To activate and enhance the protective qualities of the toroidal energy field around each being.

Universal Energy: "I AM the shield of protection, safeguarding all beings from harm."

Individual Energy: "I AM activating the full strength of my protective energy field, shielding myself and others from harm."

6.       Alignment with the Highest Good


Official Request: To realign the individual and collective wills with the highest good of all beings.

Universal Energy: "I AM aligned with the will of the universe, serving the highest good."

Individual Energy: "I AM aligned with the will of the universe, acting always for the highest good of all beings."

7.       Awakening of Inner Wisdom and Power


Official Request: To awaken the innate wisdom and power within each being to resist and transform negative influences.

Universal Energy: "I AM the awakening of inner power to transform darkness into light."

Individual Energy: "I AM awakening my inner wisdom and power, transforming darkness into light with every breath."

8.       Fostering Unconditional Love


Official Request: To foster a deep, unconditional love for oneself and all beings, transcending fear and separation.

Universal Energy: "I AM the embodiment of unconditional love, transcending all boundaries."

Individual Energy: "I AM a beacon of unconditional love, transcending fear and separation, and uniting all in harmony."

9.       Empowerment of Harmonious Manifestation


Official Request: To empower the manifestation of a reality based on harmony, peace, and universal love.

Universal Energy: "I AM the creator of a harmonious and peaceful reality."

Individual Energy: "I AM manifesting a reality of peace, love, and harmony, co-creating with the universe for the betterment of all."

10.       Strengthened Connection with the Earth


Official Request: To strengthen the connection with the Earth, supporting its healing and ascension process.

Universal Energy: "I AM in unity with the Earth, supporting its healing journey."

Individual Energy: "I AM deeply connected to the Earth, supporting its healing and contributing to its vibrational ascension."

11.       Divine Intervention and Cleansing


Official Request: To invite divine intervention and assistance in cleansing the Earth of all forms of darkness.

Universal Energy: "I AM open to divine guidance, working to cleanse the world of negativity."

Individual Energy: "I AM inviting divine intervention, working hand in hand with the light to cleanse the Earth of darkness."

12.       Affirmation of Sovereignty and Divine Essence


Official Request: To affirm the sovereignty and divine essence of every being, reclaiming their power to create a reality of light.

Universal Energy: "I AM sovereign and divine, co-creating a world of light and love."

Individual Energy: "I AM sovereign and divine, reclaiming my power to co-create a reality filled with light and love."