Torus Energy Exercise

Protecting Medicaid Lives. My Story and Urgent Request for Help

Dear Creator, I humbly request that you protect and restore all necessary work-related documents, ensure clarity and transparency in job responsibilities and processes, and shield against any malicious attempts to undermine efforts to help those in need.

1. Clearing and Protection

  • Title: Divine Shield of Protection

  • Purpose: To clear all negative energies and protect from any harmful intentions.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM divinely protected, surrounded by a shield of pure light.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM safe and secure, with all my work and intentions protected by divine light.

  • Integration Practice: Envision a sphere of white light surrounding you and your workspace, repelling any negative energy.

2. Restoration of Documents

  • Title: Divine Restoration

  • Purpose: To retrieve and restore all missing emails, files, and documents.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM connected to the divine source, where all is known and nothing is lost.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM finding and restoring all necessary documents with ease and grace.

  • Integration Practice: Visualize a beam of light from the divine source shining on your workspace, illuminating and restoring all that is missing.

3. Clarity and Transparency

  • Title: Divine Clarity

  • Purpose: To ensure clear communication and transparency in all job responsibilities and processes.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM aligned with truth and clarity in all aspects.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM experiencing clear and transparent communication in my workplace.

  • Integration Practice: Meditate on a clear, blue sky, symbolizing transparency and openness in all your work interactions.

4. Equitable Treatment

  • Title: Divine Justice

  • Purpose: To ensure fair and equitable treatment in resource allocation and support.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM a beacon of divine justice and fairness.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM receiving equitable treatment and support in my work.

  • Integration Practice: Visualize a balance scale in perfect equilibrium, symbolizing fairness in your workplace.

5: Empowerment and Advocacy

  • Title: Divine Advocacy

  • Purpose: To empower you to advocate effectively for your program and those you serve.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM a divine advocate for truth and justice.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM empowered to speak and act for the highest good of all.

  • Integration Practice: Picture yourself speaking confidently, with divine light shining through you, inspiring positive change.

6. Healing and Support

  • Title: Divine Healing

  • Purpose: To heal any emotional and mental turmoil caused by the situation.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM a vessel of divine healing and peace.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM healing from all turmoil and standing strong in divine support.

  • Integration Practice: Imagine a gentle waterfall of light washing over you, cleansing away all stress and negativity.

7. Vision for the Future

  • Title: Divine Vision

  • Purpose: To hold a clear and positive vision for the future of your program and work.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM co-creating a future aligned with divine purpose.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM envisioning a thriving, successful program helping millions.

  • Integration Practice: Create a vision board or write down your goals and visualize them coming to fruition.

8: Strength and Resilience

  • Title: Divine Strength

  • Purpose: To build strength and resilience to overcome any obstacles.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM infused with divine strength and resilience.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM overcoming all challenges with grace and strength.

  • Integration Practice: Engage in physical exercise or a practice that builds inner strength, like yoga or martial arts.

Section 9. Supportive Connections

  • Title: Divine Connections

  • Purpose: To attract supportive and trustworthy colleagues and allies.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM surrounded by a supportive network.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM attracting trustworthy and supportive colleagues.

  • Integration Practice: Reach out to trusted colleagues or network to build a supportive circle.

Section 10. Divine Timing

  • Title: Alignment with Divine Timing

  • Purpose: To trust and align with divine timing in all processes.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM in perfect alignment with divine timing.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM trusting the divine timing of all events in my work.

  • Integration Practice: Practice patience and mindfulness, trusting that everything unfolds as it should.


Section 11: Positive Impact

  • Title: Divine Impact

  • Purpose: To ensure your work has a positive and lasting impact on those you serve.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM making a positive difference in the world.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM creating lasting positive change through my work.

  • Integration Practice: Reflect on the positive impact of your work and set intentions to continue making a difference.

Section 12: Gratitude and Celebration

  • Title: Divine Gratitude

  • Purpose: To express gratitude for divine assistance and celebrate your progress.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM grateful for divine support and guidance.

  • Individual Power and Connection I AM celebrating my successes and progress with gratitude.

  • Integration Practice: Keep a gratitude journal and celebrate small victories along the way.