Torus Energy Exercise

Radiate Pure Love and Presence

Through the Power of Being

Torus Energy Exercise Radiate Pure Love and Presence Through the Power of Being


We are human incarnation with a divine purpose of helping all beings truly feel love. This exercise is designed to enhance our capability to radiate pure love and presence, facilitating deep connections without the need for advice, simply through the power of being. This series of Official Requests, paired with Universal and Individual Energy "I AM" statements, will focus on amplifying our innate ability to embody and transmit unconditional love to all.

1. Radiating Unconditional Love

Official Request: "May my presence radiate unconditional love to all beings, touching their hearts without words."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the boundless ocean of unconditional love, enveloping every soul."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM a radiant beacon of unconditional love, reaching out to every heart."

2. Cultivating Inner Peace

Official Request: "Let me embody deep inner peace, offering a sanctuary of calm to those around me."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the eternal stillness, the foundation of peace in the universe."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the essence of peace, grounding those around me in tranquility."

3. Embodying Compassion

Official Request: "Empower me to embody compassion, seeing and honoring the light in every being."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the heart of compassion, embracing all life with tender care."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM a vessel of pure compassion, acknowledging the light within all."

4. Enhancing Empathy

Official Request: "Deepen my empathy to feel with others, sharing in their joys and sorrows without judgment."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the bridge of empathy, connecting all hearts in shared understanding."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM deeply empathetic, resonating with the emotions of others."

5. Fostering Connection

Official Request: "Strengthen my ability to foster genuine connections, uniting souls in the web of oneness."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the weaver of connections, binding the tapestry of souls in unity."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM a catalyst for meaningful connections, bringing souls together in oneness."

6. Practicing Presence

Official Request: "Enhance my practice of presence, to be fully with others, in the moment, offering my whole self."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the embodiment of now, the eternal presence permeating all."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM deeply present, offering my full attention and being to this moment."

7. Spreading Joy

Official Request: "Allow me to be a source of joy, illuminating the path with laughter and lightness."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the spark of divine joy, igniting happiness in the hearts of all."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM an effervescent fountain of joy, uplifting spirits naturally."

8. Inspiring Hope

Official Request: "Grant me the ability to inspire hope, kindling a flame of optimism in the face of despair."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the beacon of hope, shining brightly in the darkest of times."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM a harbinger of hope, instilling courage and optimism wherever I go."

9. Encouraging Healing

Official Request: "May my being serve as a conduit for healing, mending wounds seen and unseen."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the essence of healing, restoring balance and wholeness to all life."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM a vessel for divine healing, soothing and mending wherever needed."

10. Reflecting Beauty

Official Request: "Help me to reflect the beauty in all things, revealing the divine artistry present in every moment."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the mirror of divine beauty, reflecting the exquisite perfection of the cosmos."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the observer of beauty, seeing and celebrating the divine in everything."

11. Manifesting Serenity

Official Request: "Infuse my essence with serenity, becoming a tranquil haven for all who seek peace."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the sanctuary of serenity, offering solace and peace to the weary."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM an oasis of calm, providing respite and tranquility to those in need."

12. Sharing Wisdom

Official Request: "Let the wisdom that flows through me be shared gently, guiding others back to their own inner knowing."

Universal Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM the vessel of timeless wisdom, gently guiding souls towards enlightenment."

Individual Energy "I AM" Statement: "I AM a gentle guide, sharing wisdom in a way that empowers others to find their truth."