Spiritual Protection

"Divine Creator, I humbly ask for your protection as I invoke and call sanctuary, surrounding myself with your light and love to shield me from all harm and negative energies."

The Importance of Calling Sanctuary

 Sanctuary is a sacred space of divine protection, a spiritual safety measure that shields us from negative energies and harmful intentions. It is essential to call upon sanctuary to safeguard our well-being and maintain our connection to the Creator. Sanctuary creates a harmonious environment where we can thrive and fulfill our divine purpose without interference from malevolent forces.

Guided Meditation for Invoking Sanctuary

Before beginning the Invocation of Sanctuary, it's crucial to prepare yourself spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. This guided meditation will help you harness your energy meridians and connect to the conscious collective in direct alignment with the Creator, our divine source.

  • Find a Quiet Space: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow your body to relax with each breath.

  • Ground Yourself: Visualize roots extending from the base of your spine deep into the Earth, anchoring you securely. Feel the Earth's energy rising through these roots, filling your body with grounding energy and stability.

  • Open Your Energy Meridians: Imagine a stream of pure, golden light entering the top of your head (crown chakra) and flowing through your entire body. Visualize this light traveling through your energy meridians, clearing any blockages and aligning your chakras. Feel the energy moving down your spine, through your arms and legs, reaching your fingertips and toes.

  • Connect to the Divine Source: Envision this golden light connecting you to the divine source, the Creator. Feel a profound sense of peace, love, and unity as you become one with this infinite source of light and love.

  • Expand Your Energy: Picture your energy field expanding beyond your physical body, creating a radiant, protective sphere around you. This sphere is filled with divine light and is impenetrable by any negative energy.

  • Invoke Sanctuary: Now, with a calm and focused mind, recite the following invocation:

  • Feel the Protection: As you recite the invocation, feel the protective shield of light around you growing stronger and more vibrant. Know that you are safe, loved, and supported by the divine energy of the Creator.

  • Close the Meditation: When you feel ready, slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Take a few deep breaths, gently wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes. You are now in a state of sanctuary, protected and aligned with your divine purpose.

"I invoke the sanctuary of divine light that radiates through every dimension, throughout my entire being, my home, my community, my country, my world and throughout my whole universe, filling the universe with harmony and love. In this sanctuary, I rebuke all evil, and every weapon formed against me or any being or any thing and return it to the sender tenfold, infused with light and love to heal and teach. No black magic, spy magic, shape shifting magic, mental warfare or weapon of any kind shall find a foothold here and will not prosper sending it back to the original sender tenfold. Negative energy whatsoever is reflected back to the sender tenfold, transformed by the sacred power of sanctuary.

Only divine energy connected to the Source and my highest self, in perfect unity with God, is welcome in this space. I am surrounded by a shield of pure light, a harmonious sanctuary that dissolves all darkness and radiates with the unwavering love of the Creator. In this space, all beings find peace, and together, we rise in joy and divine purpose. I am the one who calls sanctuary and I am the only one that can break sanctuary."

  • Feel the Protection: As you recite the invocation, feel the protective shield of light around you growing stronger and more vibrant. Know that you are safe, loved, and supported by the divine energy of the Creator.

  • Close the Meditation: When you feel ready, slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Take a few deep breaths, gently wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes. You are now in a state of sanctuary, protected and aligned with your divine purpose.

Why Sanctuary is Important:

  • Protection from Harm: Sanctuary protects us from those who seek to harm us, whether through physical actions, negative thoughts, or spiritual attacks. Even if no wrong was committed, some individuals may feel entitled or addicted to taking energy from others.

  • Spiritual Safety: Sanctuary ensures our spiritual safety, allowing us to connect deeply with our higher self and the Creator without interference.

  • Empowerment and Free Will: By invoking sanctuary, we exercise our free will to create a safe and sacred space. This act of self-empowerment aligns us with the greatest good of humanity and the universal purpose of the Creator.

Maintaining Sanctuary:

To maintain sanctuary, we must regularly renew our intention to stay aligned with the divine purpose. This involves mindful actions, pure intentions, and continuous connection with the Creator. Remember, all we have to do is ask with a pure heart, and we are immediately protected. Sanctuary is a divine right, accessible to all who seek it with sincerity and love.

By understanding and invoking sanctuary, we ensure our spiritual protection and create a harmonious space where we can grow, heal, and fulfill our divine mission.

What Breaks Sanctuary:

  • Crossing Thresholds: Sanctuary is maintained as long as we remain within its protected space. Crossing physical or energetic thresholds without re-establishing sanctuary can weaken its protective power.

  • Negative Intentions: Engaging in actions or thoughts that are not aligned with love and the divine purpose can break sanctuary.