Torus Energy Exercise for Divine Protection and Clarity

Hi everyone, it's Dana. Before we begin the Torus Energy Exercise, I want to give you a brief update on my situation and explain why I might look a bit exhausted.

I apologize for my appearance. It's been incredibly challenging lately. I had to join a gym just so I could take a shower because my water supply at home has been contaminated. Even using the cold water earlier today left a tingling residue on my hands, which hasn't fully gone away.

The heat has been unbearable since I can't turn on my air conditioner due to the air duct situation. It’s so bad that I had to cut my dogs’ hair to keep them cool. To avoid the people tracking me, I had to drive across town to buy bottled water, making sure my shopping patterns couldn’t be recognized.

One particular incident stands out – Recently I was at Walmart and wanted to buy pomegranate juice. An employee insisted on fetching it from the back for me taking too long and then seeking me out in the produce section to make sure I got it. My intuition kicked in, and I realized I shouldn't drink it. This constant vigilance is exhausting, but it's necessary for my safety.

Despite all this, I remain committed to my spiritual journey and to sharing this Torus Energy Exercise with you. It's more important than ever that we align with the creator and seek divine protection and guidance.

Main Topic: Divine Protection and Clarity in the Face of Danger

Purpose/Request to the Creator: To provide divine protection from all harmful influences, ensure clarity and guidance in all actions, and secure the support of trustworthy individuals to overcome the challenges faced.

Join me in this exercise to strengthen our connection to the divine, enhance our protection, and navigate through these challenges with clarity and confidence.

Daily Integration Practices:

  1. Water Infusion

  2. Meditation and Visualization

  3. Habit Stacking

  4. Journaling

  5. Physical Activity

Thank you for joining me in this exercise. Stay strong, stay protected, and remember that we are always guided by the divine light.

 1. Divine Shield of Protection

  • Title: Divine Shield of Protection

  • Purpose: To establish a protective barrier against all negative energies and harmful intentions.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM enveloped by a divine shield of pure, protective light.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM safe and secure, protected from all harm and negativity.

  • Integration: Visualize a sphere of white light surrounding you and your home, repelling any negative energy. Drink water infused with this intention daily to reinforce the protection.

2: Clarity and Discernment

  • Title: Clarity and Discernment

  • Purpose: To gain clear insight and discernment in all situations, ensuring accurate judgment and decisions.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM aligned with divine clarity and truth.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM able to see through illusions and discern the truth in all matters.

  • Integration: Meditate on a clear, blue sky, symbolizing transparency and clarity. Ponder on decisions and actions with a clear mind, free from confusion.

3: Divine Guidance

  • Title: Divine Guidance

  • Purpose: To receive guidance from the divine on how to navigate through challenging situations.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM open to divine guidance and wisdom.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM guided by the light of the creator in every step I take.

  • Integration: Spend a few minutes in silent meditation each day, asking for divine guidance. Listen and be open to the subtle signs and messages.

 4: Strength and Resilience

  • Title: Strength and Resilience

  • Purpose: To build inner strength and resilience to overcome all obstacles.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM endowed with divine strength and resilience.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM strong and resilient, able to face any challenge with grace.

  • Integration: Engage in physical exercise or a practice that builds inner strength, such as yoga or martial arts. Drink water infused with the intention of strength and resilience.

5: Protection of Home and Property

  • Title: Protection of Home and Property

  • Purpose: To ensure the safety and sanctity of home and property from any harm or intrusion.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM a guardian of divine sanctity and protection.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM vigilant and secure, my home and property are protected.

  • Integration: Place protective symbols or objects around your home. Visualize a barrier of light around your home each day, reinforcing its protection.

6: Health and Healing

  • Title: Health and Healing

  • Purpose: To protect against contamination and promote healing from any harm already inflicted.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM a vessel of divine health and healing.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM healed and whole, protected from all harm.

  • Integration: Use only purified water for drinking and cooking. Infuse water with healing intentions and drink it daily to promote health and healing.

7: Divine Justice

  • Title: Divine Justice

  • Purpose: To invoke divine justice and ensure that those who intend harm are held accountable.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM an instrument of divine justice and balance.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM aligned with divine justice, ensuring fairness and accountability.

  • Integration: Keep a journal of all incidents and evidence. Pray for justice and clarity in resolving these issues.

8: Safe Connections

  • Title: Safe Connections

  • Purpose: To attract supportive and trustworthy individuals who can assist in navigating through challenges.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM surrounded by supportive and trustworthy connections.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM attracting allies and helpers who support my highest good.

  • Integration: Network with trusted friends and allies. Keep communication lines open with those who have proven to be supportive and reliable.

 9: Clear Communication

  • Title: Clear Communication

  • Purpose: To communicate clearly and effectively with authorities and allies.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM a clear and effective communicator of divine truth.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM able to articulate my needs and concerns with clarity and confidence.

  • Integration: Practice clear and assertive communication. Prepare your documentation and evidence meticulously.

10: Legal Protection

  • Title: Legal Protection

  • Purpose: To ensure legal protection and the support of an honest attorney.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM protected by divine law and justice.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM guided to the right attorney who will advocate for my protection and justice.

  • Integration: Research and seek out a reputable attorney. Trust your intuition in finding the right legal support.

 11: Inner Peace

  • Title: Inner Peace

  • Purpose: To maintain inner peace and composure amidst turmoil.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM a beacon of divine peace and calm.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM calm and centered, maintaining peace in all situations.

  • Integration: Practice deep breathing exercises and meditation to center yourself. Drink water infused with the intention of inner peace.

12: Faith and Trust

  • Title: Faith and Trust

  • Purpose: To strengthen faith and trust in the divine plan and protection.

  • Universal Power and Connection: I AM anchored in faith and trust in the divine.

  • Individual Power and Connection: I AM trusting the divine plan, knowing I am always protected.

  • Integration: Affirm your faith and trust daily. Meditate on the feeling of being divinely supported and guided.