Torus Energy Exercise

Healing and Releasing Trapped Souls

To honor and free the souls wronged in death, helping them transition safely to the other side, and integrate the healing energy into daily life.

Detailed Instructions:

Introduction: Welcome, everyone. As we begin our Torus Energy Exercise, let's take a moment to prepare ourselves for the journey ahead. Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to settle into the present moment, releasing any tension or distractions.

Connecting with the Senses:

  1. Sight (Inner Vision):

    • Instruction: Even with your eyes closed, imagine a beautiful, radiant light surrounding you.

    • Visualization: See this light as a soft, golden glow that envelops your entire being, filling you with warmth and peace.

  2. Hearing:

    • Instruction: Listen to the sounds around you. Notice the subtle hum of the room, the gentle rustling of your clothes, or even the sound of your own breath.

    • Sound Integration: If you have a bell or chime, gently ring it to symbolize the beginning of this sacred space.

  3. Touch:

    • Instruction: Place your hands on your heart or rest them gently in your lap.

    • Physical Sensation: Feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, connecting with the life force within you.

  4. Smell:

    • Instruction: Take a moment to inhale deeply, noticing any scents in the air. You may wish to light a candle or use essential oils to enhance this experience.

    • Aromatherapy: Imagine the scent of roses or lavender filling the space, promoting relaxation and openness.

  5. Taste:

    • Instruction: If you have water or tea nearby, take a small sip, savoring the flavor and feeling it nourish your body.

    • Mindful Drinking: As you drink, imagine this liquid infused with divine love and intention, spreading throughout your being.

Activating Core Body Energies:

  1. Root Chakra (Base of Spine):

    • Focus: Feel a connection to the Earth beneath you, grounding and stabilizing you.

    • Affirmation: "I am grounded and connected to the Earth's energy."

  2. Sacral Chakra (Lower Abdomen):

    • Focus: Sense the flow of creative energy in your lower abdomen.

    • Affirmation: "I am a vessel of creative and life-giving energy."

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Upper Abdomen):

    • Focus: Feel the warmth and power radiating from your solar plexus.

    • Affirmation: "I am empowered and confident in my purpose."

  4. Heart Chakra (Center of Chest):

    • Focus: Experience the expansive love and compassion in your heart.

    • Affirmation: "I am open to giving and receiving divine love."

  5. Throat Chakra (Throat):

    • Focus: Feel the energy of communication and expression in your throat.

    • Affirmation: "I am a clear channel for divine truth and expression."

  6. Third Eye Chakra (Forehead):

    • Focus: Sense the clarity and intuition at your third eye.

    • Affirmation: "I am guided by divine wisdom and insight."

  7. Crown Chakra (Top of Head):

    • Focus: Feel the connection to the divine universe at the top of your head.

    • Affirmation: "I am one with the divine universe."

Setting the Intention:

  • Guidance: Now, with your entire being attuned and connected, let's set our intention for this exercise.

  • Universal Statement: Repeat silently or aloud: "I AM the guiding light of universal love and compassion."

  • Individual Statement: Repeat silently or aloud: "I AM dedicated to freeing the souls trapped by past injustices."

Integration and Commitment:

  • Integration: Take a few moments to visualize how you will carry this intention throughout your day. See yourself acting with compassion, love, and dedication in every interaction.

  • Commitment: Feel the strength of your intention anchoring in your core, connecting you to the divine universe. Know that you are a powerful force for healing and liberation.

Setting the Intention

Purpose: Establish the focus and commitment for the exercise.

Universal Energy: I AM the guiding light of universal love and compassion.

Individual Energy: I AM dedicated to freeing the souls trapped by past injustices.

Integration: Begin each day by setting the intention to be a vessel of healing and peace. Drink water infused with this intention.

Connecting with Divine Love

Purpose: Open the heart to divine love, the foundation for healing.

Universal Energy: I AM the embodiment of divine love.

Individual Energy: I AM open to receiving and sharing divine love.

Integration: Perform a morning meditation focusing on feeling divine love flow through you.

Guided Enhancement:

As we move deeper into our Torus Energy Exercise, let's focus on opening our hearts to divine love, the very essence and foundation of all healing. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, feeling the air fill your lungs and gently release. Imagine a warm, golden light glowing at the center of your chest, radiating from your heart. This light is the purest form of divine love, a love that transcends all boundaries and conditions. Feel it expanding with each breath, filling your entire being with warmth, compassion, and peace.

Visualize this divine love flowing through you, dissolving any barriers or blocks within your heart. See it reaching out beyond your physical body, connecting you with the infinite love of the universe. As you breathe in, silently affirm, "I AM the embodiment of divine love." Feel this statement resonate deep within you, affirming your connection to this boundless love. As you exhale, silently affirm, "I AM open to receiving and sharing divine love," knowing that you are both a receiver and a giver of this powerful, healing energy.

Now, bring to mind someone or something that needs healing. It could be a loved one, a situation, or even yourself. Imagine the golden light of divine love flowing from your heart to this person or situation, enveloping them in its warmth and healing power. Feel the connection growing stronger, knowing that this divine love is limitless and always available.

Allow yourself to bask in this feeling of unconditional love and connection for a few moments. Know that by opening your heart to divine love, you are aligning yourself with the highest vibration of healing energy, ready to carry this love into the next steps of our exercise and into your daily life.

Guided Enhancement:

As we continue our journey, let's take a moment to acknowledge and honor the souls who have been wronged in death. Close your eyes and place your hands gently over your heart, feeling the steady rhythm that connects you to the essence of life. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to become fully present in this sacred space.

Imagine a vast, serene field stretching out before you, filled with the gentle whispers of the wind. This field represents the realm where the souls of those wronged in death reside. As you stand in this field, open your heart and mind to their presence. Feel the weight of their stories, their pain, and their longing for recognition.

Silently affirm, "I AM a witness to the pain and suffering of these souls." Let this affirmation sink into your being, acknowledging that you are here as a compassionate observer, ready to honor their experiences. Visualize each soul as a flickering light, each representing a life filled with unique stories, struggles, and emotions. See these lights growing brighter as they sense your recognition and compassion.

Now, silently affirm, "I AM here to honor and acknowledge your struggles." Feel the depth of this commitment within you. As you speak these words, imagine extending your hand in a gesture of solidarity and respect, offering them the acknowledgment they have longed for. See the lights growing steadier and more radiant, basking in the warmth of your recognition.

Take a few moments to silently offer your thoughts and prayers to these souls. Speak to them in your mind or out loud, expressing your sorrow for their pain and your gratitude for their presence. Feel the connection between your heart and theirs, a bridge of compassion and understanding that spans across time and space.

As you sit in this moment of shared recognition, know that your acknowledgment is a powerful act of healing. It allows these souls to feel seen and honored, paving the way for their release and peace. When you are ready, take a deep breath in, feeling the collective sigh of relief from these souls, and gently exhale, grounding this shared experience within you.

Open your eyes, carrying with you the profound sense of connection and purpose. Let this acknowledgment be a beacon of light as we move forward in our exercise, dedicated to freeing and healing these honored souls.

Acknowledge the Wronged Souls

Purpose: Recognize and honor the souls wronged in death.

Universal Energy: I AM a witness to the pain and suffering of these souls.

Individual Energy: I AM here to honor and acknowledge your struggles.

Integration: Create a small altar or dedicated space to remember these souls and spend a few minutes each day in contemplation.

Visualizing Their Freedom

Purpose: Use visualization to aid in their release.

Universal Energy: I AM the vision of freedom and peace.

Individual Energy: I AM visualizing your release and journey to the light.

Integration: During daily activities, take moments to visualize these souls surrounded by light and love, free and at peace.

Guided Enhancement:

As we continue our sacred work, let us now focus on visualizing the freedom and release of these wronged souls. Close your eyes once more and take a deep breath, allowing yourself to sink deeper into a state of peace and stillness. Feel the connection between your heart and the divine universe strengthening with each breath.

Begin by imagining a beautiful, radiant light in the distance. This light represents the pure, healing energy of the divine, a beacon of hope and freedom. Silently affirm, "I AM the vision of freedom and peace," and let this affirmation resonate within you, filling your entire being with a sense of purpose and clarity.

Visualize the souls you have acknowledged as lights, gently rising and moving towards this radiant beacon. See them shedding any burdens or chains that have held them back, their essence becoming lighter and more vibrant with each step they take. As you hold this vision, silently affirm, "I AM visualizing your release and journey to the light."

Imagine a path illuminated by the golden light of divine love, leading these souls to a place of ultimate peace and liberation. See them walking this path, supported by the loving energy you are sending. Feel the joy and relief in their spirits as they move closer to the light, their journey guided by your compassionate presence.

In your mind's eye, see these souls reaching the radiant beacon, stepping into the light with grace and ease. As they do, imagine the light embracing them fully, dissolving any remaining pain or sorrow, and transforming it into pure love and peace. Visualize their spirits soaring free, finally released from the confines of past injustices, basking in the eternal light of the divine.

Take a few moments to bask in this vision, feeling the profound sense of freedom and peace that comes from their release. Know that your visualization is a powerful tool, aiding in their journey and helping them find the light. As you hold this image, feel your heart expanding with love and compassion, knowing that you are a vessel for their healing.

When you are ready, take a deep breath in, feeling the light of freedom and peace filling your own being, and gently exhale, grounding this powerful energy within you. Open your eyes, carrying this vision with you as we continue our exercise, dedicated to the liberation and healing of these precious souls.

Guided Enhancement:

As we continue our sacred ceremony, let us now turn our attention to celebrating the journey and safe passage of these souls. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing yourself to feel the joyous energy of this moment. Picture yourself standing in a serene, sacred space, filled with the light of divine love and compassion.

In your hands, you hold a beautiful, delicate bell. This bell is a symbol of celebration, joy, and liberation. Silently affirm, "I AM the sound of joy and liberation," feeling the vibration of this statement resonate through your being.

Visualize the souls you have acknowledged and visualized for release now standing in this sacred space with you, their spirits free and radiant. As you gently ring the bell, imagine the sound traveling through the air, reaching these souls and filling them with a sense of joy and celebration. Hear the clear, pure tones of the bell as it echoes through the space, a divine signal of their safe transition.

Silently affirm, "I AM celebrating your journey and safe transition." Feel the profound joy and gratitude in your heart as you celebrate their liberation. With each ring of the bell, see the souls becoming even brighter, their light merging with the divine light around them. The sound of the bell is not just a celebration but also a guide, leading them safely on their continued journey.

Take a moment to really connect with this celebration. Visualize the souls dancing and rejoicing in the light, their burdens lifted, their spirits free. Feel their joy as your own, knowing that you have played a part in their healing and release. See them surrounded by divine beings, angels, or guides who welcome them with open arms and celebrate their return to the light.

As you ring the bell again, imagine the sound spreading outwards, reaching other souls in need of liberation, guiding them towards their own journey to the light. Know that this act of celebration is a powerful force for healing, not just for the souls you have acknowledged but for all souls seeking peace and freedom.

When you are ready, take a deep breath in, feeling the joy and liberation filling your entire being, and gently exhale, grounding this joyous energy within you. Open your eyes, carrying this sense of celebration and liberation with you as we continue our sacred exercise, dedicated to the joyful release and safe passage of these honored souls.

Ringing the Bells

Purpose: Symbolize their celebration and safe passage.

Universal Energy: I AM the sound of joy and liberation.

Individual Energy: I AM celebrating your journey and safe transition.

Integration: Incorporate a small bell or chime into your day, ringing it with the intention of celebration and liberation for these souls.

Healing the Ancestral Line

Purpose: Address ancestral wounds and promote healing.

Universal Energy: I AM the healer of ancestral wounds.

Individual Energy: I AM bringing peace to my ancestral line.

Integration: Light a candle for your ancestors daily, offering prayers for healing and peace.

Guided Enhancement:

As we move forward in our sacred journey, let us now focus on healing the ancestral line, addressing the wounds and promoting peace across generations. Close your eyes and take a deep, grounding breath, feeling the connection to your ancestors through the very core of your being. Imagine standing in a vast, ancient forest, surrounded by the wisdom and presence of those who came before you.

Visualize a long line of ancestors standing behind you, stretching back through the ages. Each ancestor is a link in the chain of your heritage, carrying the stories, struggles, and triumphs of your lineage. Silently affirm, "I AM the healer of ancestral wounds," and feel this affirmation resonate through you, extending backward through the generations.

See each ancestor holding a small light, representing their spirit and life force. As you focus on these lights, imagine a gentle, healing energy flowing from your heart, traveling down the line to each ancestor. This energy is a warm, golden light of divine love and healing, enveloping each ancestor, soothing their wounds, and bringing peace to their spirits.

Silently affirm, "I AM bringing peace to my ancestral line," and visualize this healing light growing brighter and stronger, filling the entire forest with its radiant glow. Feel the gratitude and relief of your ancestors as they receive this healing energy, their burdens lifting and their spirits becoming lighter. See them smiling, their faces softening with peace and gratitude.

Take a moment to acknowledge any specific wounds or patterns that have been passed down through your ancestral line. These could be patterns of fear, pain, or unresolved conflicts. As you recognize these patterns, send an extra surge of healing energy to those areas, visualizing them dissolving and transforming into love and understanding.

Imagine the healing light forming a protective cocoon around your ancestral line, safeguarding their spirits and ensuring that the wounds of the past no longer affect future generations. Feel the strength and resilience of your lineage, knowing that you are a pivotal part of this healing process.

Take a few deep breaths, feeling the deep connection to your ancestors and the profound healing taking place. As you breathe in, draw in the wisdom and strength of your lineage. As you exhale, release any remaining pain or negativity, letting it be transformed by the healing light.

When you are ready, take a final deep breath in, feeling the peace and healing energy settling into every cell of your being, and gently exhale, grounding this powerful energy within you. Open your eyes, carrying this sense of ancestral healing and peace with you as we continue our sacred exercise, dedicated to healing and honoring the lineage that has brought you here.

Guided Enhancement:

As we continue our sacred journey, let us now turn our attention to the profound and transformative act of forgiveness. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing yourself to sink into a space of calm and openness. Feel your heart center, the place where love and compassion reside, beginning to glow with a soft, warm light.

Imagine yourself standing in a beautiful garden, a place of serenity and peace. In this garden, you find a tranquil pond with crystal-clear water. This pond represents the purity and clarity of forgiveness. Silently affirm, "I AM the essence of forgiveness," feeling this truth resonate within you, aligning your heart and mind with the power of forgiveness.

Visualize the people, situations, or even yourself that you need to forgive appearing around the pond. Each figure holds a stone, symbolizing the weight of past wrongs and grievances. As you look at each figure, silently affirm, "I AM forgiving and releasing all past wrongs." Feel the light in your heart expanding, filling you with a deep sense of compassion and understanding.

One by one, see these figures stepping forward to the edge of the pond. With your heart full of forgiveness, gently guide each figure to release their stone into the water. As the stones drop, see them dissolving into ripples that spread across the pond, transforming the energy of past wrongs into waves of healing and peace.

Take a moment to acknowledge any resistance or pain that may arise during this process. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, knowing that they are part of the journey towards true forgiveness. As you breathe, imagine the warm light in your heart growing stronger, soothing any remaining hurt or anger.

Now, visualize yourself stepping forward with your own stone, representing your personal grievances and burdens. Feel the weight of the stone in your hand and the emotions it carries. As you approach the pond, silently affirm your commitment to release these burdens. With a deep breath, let go of the stone, watching it dissolve into the water and transform into ripples of forgiveness.

Feel the profound sense of relief and freedom that comes with this act of forgiveness. Know that by releasing these stones, you are freeing yourself and others from the chains of past wrongs, allowing for healing and growth. See the figures around the pond smiling, their spirits lifted and their hearts lightened.

Take a few deep breaths, feeling the transformative power of forgiveness filling your entire being. As you inhale, draw in the purity and clarity of the pond's water. As you exhale, release any remaining negativity, letting it be transformed by the waves of healing.

When you are ready, take a final deep breath in, feeling the essence of forgiveness settling into every part of your being, and gently exhale, grounding this powerful energy within you. Open your eyes, carrying this sense of forgiveness and peace with you as we continue our sacred exercise, dedicated to embracing and fostering forgiveness for all involved.

Embracing Forgiveness

Purpose: Foster forgiveness for all involved.

Universal Energy: I AM the essence of forgiveness.

Individual Energy: I AM forgiving and releasing all past wrongs.

Integration: Practice forgiveness by writing letters of forgiveness (whether you send them or not) to those involved in these past events.

Inviting Divine Assistance

Purpose: Seek help from divine entities and guides.

Universal Energy: I AM in communion with divine helpers.

Individual Energy: I AM inviting divine assistance in this healing process.

Integration: Before sleeping, ask for divine guidance and assistance in your dreams and waking life.

Guided Enhancement:

As we move deeper into our sacred journey, let us now open ourselves to the guidance and support of divine entities and spiritual guides. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, feeling the air fill your lungs and gently release. Allow yourself to enter a state of calm and receptivity, creating a sacred space within your heart and mind.

Imagine standing in a magnificent temple of light, a place where divine beings and guides reside. This temple is filled with a radiant, golden light that emanates pure love and wisdom. Silently affirm, "I AM in communion with divine helpers," feeling this affirmation resonate within you, aligning your spirit with the presence of these higher beings.

Visualize a circle of divine entities and guides gathering around you. These beings are filled with love, compassion, and wisdom, ready to assist you in this healing process. As you stand in the center of the circle, feel their supportive and nurturing energy surrounding you, creating a powerful field of divine assistance.

Silently affirm, "I AM inviting divine assistance in this healing process," and imagine extending an invitation from your heart to these divine helpers. See their eyes shining with understanding and their hands reaching out to offer their support. Feel the profound connection between your heart and theirs, a bridge of divine love and guidance.

Take a moment to speak silently or aloud to these divine beings, expressing your gratitude for their presence and your need for their assistance in healing and releasing the trapped souls. Ask for their wisdom, strength, and protection as you continue this sacred work. Know that your request is heard and honored.

As you breathe deeply, imagine a stream of golden light flowing from the divine beings into your heart. This light carries their love, wisdom, and healing energy. Feel it filling your entire being, infusing you with divine strength and clarity. See this light extending outward, reaching the souls you are seeking to heal and release, enveloping them in its transformative power.

Take a few moments to sit in this divine communion, feeling the presence of your guides and their unwavering support. Know that you are never alone in this journey, and that the divine assistance is always available to you. Allow yourself to receive their guidance and love, letting it flow through you and into the world.

When you are ready, take a final deep breath in, feeling the divine light settling into every part of your being, and gently exhale, grounding this powerful energy within you. Open your eyes, carrying this sense of divine communion and assistance with you as we continue our sacred exercise, dedicated to healing and releasing the souls in need.

Guided Enhancement:

As we continue our sacred journey, let us now focus on grounding the powerful healing energy we have cultivated into the physical realm. Close your eyes and take a deep, calming breath, feeling the air fill your lungs and gently release. Allow yourself to become fully present in this moment, feeling the connection between your body and the earth beneath you.

Visualize yourself standing barefoot on the soft, fertile earth. Imagine the energy of the earth rising up through the soles of your feet, a warm and nurturing force that grounds and stabilizes you. Silently affirm, "I AM the grounding force of divine energy," feeling this truth resonate through your entire being, connecting you to the earth and the divine.

Picture the healing energy you have been working with as a radiant, golden light. See this light flowing from your heart and through your body, moving down through your legs and into the earth. As it travels, it anchors itself into the ground, creating deep, strong roots that hold you firmly in place. These roots are a conduit, allowing the divine energy to flow into the physical realm.

Silently affirm, "I AM grounding this healing energy into my daily life," and visualize the golden light spreading out from your roots, infusing the earth with its healing power. See this light extending outward, reaching the souls you have been working to heal and release, anchoring their transformation into the physical world.

Feel the energy of the earth rising up to meet the divine light, creating a powerful exchange of healing and grounding forces. As this energy circulates, it strengthens your connection to the earth and enhances your ability to bring the healing energy into your daily life. Imagine this energy flowing through you, bringing balance, stability, and peace to your entire being.

Take a moment to focus on your physical body, feeling the weight of your presence on the earth. Sense the solidity of your bones, the strength of your muscles, and the rhythm of your breath. Know that you are a vital part of this earthly realm, and that your actions have a profound impact on the world around you.

Visualize yourself carrying this grounded energy into your everyday activities. See it infusing your interactions, your work, and your moments of rest. Imagine the healing light guiding your decisions, bringing a sense of peace and purpose to all that you do. Know that by grounding this energy, you are making the divine healing power a tangible force in the world.

When you are ready, take a final deep breath in, feeling the grounded, healing energy settling into every part of your being, and gently exhale, anchoring this powerful force within you. Open your eyes, carrying this sense of grounding and stability with you as we continue our sacred exercise, dedicated to anchoring the healing energy into the physical realm.

Grounding the Energy

Purpose: Anchor the healing energy into the physical realm.

Universal Energy: I AM the grounding force of divine energy.

Individual Energy: I AM grounding this healing energy into my daily life.

Integration: Walk barefoot on the earth daily, visualizing the healing energy grounding through you.

Creating a Ritual Bath

Purpose: Use water to cleanse and heal.

Universal Energy: I AM the purifying essence of water.

Individual Energy: I AM cleansing and renewing with each bath.

Integration: Take a rose bath infused with your intentions, visualizing the water cleansing and healing the trapped souls and yourself.

Guided Enhancement:

As we near the culmination of our sacred journey, let us turn our focus to the transformative and purifying power of water. We will create a ritual bath to cleanse and heal, both physically and spiritually. Begin by preparing your bath space, setting an atmosphere of tranquility and intention. Light candles, play soothing music, and add elements that resonate with you, such as rose petals, essential oils, or crystals.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, feeling the anticipation of renewal and purification. Silently affirm, "I AM the purifying essence of water," and let this affirmation flow through you, aligning your spirit with the cleansing power of water.

Visualize the bathwater shimmering with a radiant, golden light, infused with divine healing energy. As you step into the water, feel its warmth embracing you, enveloping you in a cocoon of purity and light. Silently affirm, "I AM cleansing and renewing with each bath," and immerse yourself fully in the healing essence of the water.

As you settle into the bath, imagine any negativity, pain, or residual energy from past experiences being gently drawn out of your body and dissolving into the water. See the water absorbing these energies, transforming them into light and releasing them into the universe for healing and transmutation. Feel the weight of these burdens lifting, replaced by a sense of lightness and clarity.

Take a moment to connect with the sensory experience of the bath. Feel the warmth of the water on your skin, the gentle pressure against your body, and the soothing scent of any oils or herbs you have added. Listen to the sounds of the water as you move, creating a symphony of peace and relaxation. Breathe deeply, allowing the healing energy of the water to permeate every cell of your being.

Visualize the water as a living entity, a conduit of divine healing energy that flows through all of creation. See it washing over you, cleansing not just your physical body but also your mind, heart, and spirit. As you soak, imagine this purifying water carrying away any remaining doubts, fears, or blockages, leaving you feeling renewed and rejuvenated.

Take a few moments to meditate on the transformative power of water. Reflect on its ability to adapt, flow, and cleanse. Consider how you can bring this same adaptability and cleansing power into your daily life. As you visualize, allow the water to inspire you to release what no longer serves you and embrace a state of constant renewal.

When you are ready, take a final deep breath in, feeling the purifying essence of the water settling into every part of your being, and gently exhale, grounding this powerful energy within you. As you slowly rise from the bath, imagine yourself emerging anew, cleansed, and filled with the light of divine healing.

Open your eyes, carrying this sense of purification and renewal with you as we continue our sacred exercise, dedicated to using the transformative power of water to cleanse and heal both ourselves and the souls we seek to free.

Guided Enhancement:

As we move closer to the conclusion of our sacred journey, let us focus on the power of daily affirmations to reinforce our positive intentions and ongoing healing. Close your eyes and take a deep, centering breath, feeling the air fill your lungs and gently release. Allow yourself to become fully present, aware of the energy that flows through you and connects you to the divine.

Silently affirm, "I AM a constant flow of positive energy," and feel this affirmation resonate through your entire being. Visualize yourself as a radiant beacon of light, continually emanating positive energy that touches everything and everyone around you. This light is filled with love, compassion, and healing power, creating a ripple effect of positivity in your life and the lives of others.

Now, imagine standing in front of a mirror, looking deeply into your own eyes. As you gaze at your reflection, silently affirm, "I AM affirming my commitment to healing and liberation." Feel the truth of this statement take root in your heart, solidifying your dedication to this sacred work. Know that each time you speak these words, you are reinforcing your intentions and strengthening your resolve.

Visualize your day ahead, filled with opportunities to affirm your commitment to healing and liberation. See yourself repeating these affirmations in various moments: as you wake up in the morning, during quiet moments throughout the day, and before you go to sleep at night. Each time you speak these words, imagine them charging you with renewed energy and purpose.

Incorporate your senses into this practice to deepen the impact of your affirmations. When you speak, feel the vibrations of your voice resonating in your body. Picture the words as golden light flowing from your mouth, infusing the air around you with their powerful energy. If you choose to write your affirmations, feel the pen moving across the paper, each stroke imbuing the words with your intention and commitment.

Take a few moments to reflect on the impact of these affirmations on your life and your healing journey. Consider how they shape your thoughts, influence your actions, and transform your energy. Recognize that by consistently reinforcing your positive intentions, you are creating a foundation of healing and liberation that extends beyond this moment and into your daily life.

As you continue to affirm your commitment, feel the collective energy of those participating in this sacred exercise. Know that you are part of a larger community dedicated to healing and releasing trapped souls. Your affirmations not only strengthen your own resolve but also contribute to the collective healing energy.

When you are ready, take a final deep breath in, feeling the constant flow of positive energy settling into every part of your being, and gently exhale, grounding this powerful intention within you. Open your eyes, carrying this sense of affirmation and commitment with you as we continue our sacred exercise, dedicated to reinforcing positive intentions and ongoing healing.

Daily Affirmations

Purpose: Reinforce positive intentions and healing.

Universal Energy: I AM a constant flow of positive energy.

Individual Energy: I AM affirming my commitment to healing and liberation.

Integration: Repeat affirmations daily, reinforcing your intentions and the energy work.

Reflecting and Giving Thanks

Purpose: Conclude the exercise with gratitude and reflection.

Universal Energy: I AM gratitude incarnate.

Individual Energy: I AM thankful for the healing and progress made.

Integration: End each day with a moment of reflection and gratitude for the healing process and the progress of the souls.

Guided Enhancement:

As we approach the conclusion of our sacred journey, let us take this time to reflect on the healing and progress made, and to express our deep gratitude for the experiences and transformations we have witnessed. Close your eyes and take a deep, calming breath, allowing yourself to fully relax and be present in this moment of reflection.

Silently affirm, "I AM gratitude incarnate," and feel this affirmation fill your entire being. Visualize a warm, golden light radiating from your heart, the embodiment of your gratitude and appreciation. This light symbolizes the deep thanks you hold for the divine assistance, the healing energies, and the progress of the souls we have worked to free.

Reflect on each step of the journey we have taken together, from setting our intentions to inviting divine assistance, from acknowledging the wronged souls to grounding the healing energy. As you review each section, take a moment to appreciate the growth and transformation that has occurred within you and within the souls we have honored.

Silently affirm, "I AM thankful for the healing and progress made." Feel the profound sense of gratitude and accomplishment resonate within you. Know that your dedication and compassion have created a powerful impact, not only for the souls we have released but also for yourself and the collective healing energy of our community.

Imagine yourself standing in a beautiful, serene space, surrounded by the divine light of gratitude. In this space, see the souls we have worked to heal and release, now free and radiant, their journeys guided by the love and compassion you have shared. Feel the collective energy of gratitude and peace that fills this space, a testament to the healing work we have accomplished.

Take a few moments to offer your personal thanks to the divine entities and guides who have assisted us, to the ancestors who have received healing, and to yourself for your unwavering commitment and dedication. Speak these words of thanks silently or aloud, allowing the energy of gratitude to flow through you and into the universe.

Now, consider how you can integrate this sense of gratitude and reflection into your daily life. Each evening, set aside a moment to reflect on the day's experiences and the healing progress that continues to unfold. Silently affirm your gratitude for the ongoing journey and the positive changes you witness. This practice of daily reflection and gratitude will strengthen your connection to the divine and reinforce the healing energies we have cultivated.

When you are ready, take a final deep breath in, feeling the warmth and light of gratitude settling into every part of your being, and gently exhale, grounding this powerful energy within you. Open your eyes, carrying this profound sense of gratitude and reflection with you as we conclude our sacred exercise, dedicated to honoring the healing and progress made and expressing our heartfelt thanks.