Torus Energy Exercise

Align with the Highest Forces in the Universe,

Embodying Truth, Love and Oneness

Dedicated to Maestro Hamilton Southern - Blue Morpho

Torus Energy Exercise – Align with the Highest Forces in the Universe, Embodying Truth, Love, and Oneness

I was guided to attend the most spiritual Ayahuasca Retreat at Blue Morpho with Maestro Hamilton Southern. After the second night of ceremony we attended the Group Ceremony Sharing and Q&A with Maestro Hamilton. He shared so many beautiful thoughts. I took the divine messages from that amazing learning moment and turned them into a Torus Energy Exercise.

The purpose of this Universal Conscious Creation Torus Energy Exercise is to align our hearts with our brains, bridging them together in coherence. This alignment allows us to access the rainbow bridge and create a torus energy flow, fostering peace within ourselves and eliminating inner conflict with the human species outside our physical perception. By empowering oneness and opening ourselves to the true energy of the universe, we can make informed, purposeful choices that align with our divine purpose and contribute to the universal collective good. This exercise enables us to tap into our innate powers, fostering a calm Buddhist mind and Christ-like love energy, allowing us to shine as beacons of universal truth, oneness, and abundance for all.

1.      Aligning with the Highest Forces in the Universe, Embodying Truth, Love, and Oneness

I officially request Divine guidance and intervention to align my heart and mind with the highest forces in the universe.

Universal Energy: I AM the infinite wisdom and love of the universe, guiding me on my path.

Individual Energy: I AM aligned with my heart's deepest desires and my soul's highest purpose.

2.      Clarity of Purpose and Alignment with Your Divine Path

I officially request clarity of purpose and alignment with my divine path.

Universal Energy: I AM the divine channel through which universal truth flows effortlessly.

Individual Energy: I AM empowered to overcome any challenges or obstacles on my path.

3.      Removal of Barriers to Accessing Universal Truth and Oneness

I officially request the removal of any barriers preventing me from accessing universal truth and oneness.

Universal Energy: I AM the embodiment of peace, harmony, and oneness with all creation.

Individual Energy: I AM worthy of experiencing peace, joy, and abundance in every aspect of my life.

4.      Dissolution of Inner Conflict and the Cultivation of Inner Peace

I officially request the dissolution of inner conflict and the cultivation of inner peace.

Universal Energy: I AM the rainbow bridge, connecting heaven and earth in perfect unity.

Individual Energy: I AM capable of making conscious, purposeful choices that serve my highest good.

5.      Opening of the Rainbow Bridge to Channel Divine Energy Flow

I officially request the opening of the rainbow bridge to channel divine energy flow.

Universal Energy: I AM the eternal flow of abundance, prosperity, and well-being.

Individual Energy: I AM deserving of love, respect, and acceptance from myself and others.

6.      Dispelling Illusions of Separation and Empowering Oneness

I officially request freedom from illusions of separation and empowerment of oneness.

Universal Energy: I AM the radiant light that dispels all illusions of separation and fear.

Individual Energy: I AM connected to the infinite wisdom and guidance of my inner being.

7.      Activation of Her Innate Powers for the Highest Good of All

I officially request the activation of my innate powers for the highest good of all.

Universal Energy: I AM the creative force of the universe, manifesting my divine purpose with ease.

Individual Energy: I AM grateful for the blessings and opportunities that flow into my life effortlessly.

8.      Release of Fear and Doubt Replacing them with Trust and Faith in Universal Wisdom

I officially request the release of fear and doubt, replacing them with trust and faith in universal wisdom.

Universal Energy: I AM the pure expression of unconditional love and compassion towards myself and others.

Individual Energy: I AM resilient in the face of adversity, trusting in the divine plan unfolding for me.

9.      Transformation of Reactive Patterns into Proactive Expressions of Love and Light

I officially request the transformation of reactive patterns into proactive expressions of love and light.

Universal Energy: I AM the conscious co-creator of my reality, shaping it in alignment with universal truth.

Individual Energy: I AM courageous in expressing my authentic self and sharing my gifts with the world.

10.      Alignment with the Universal Flow of Abundance and Prosperity

I officially request alignment with the universal flow of abundance and prosperity.

Universal Energy: I AM the vessel through which divine energy flows, illuminating the world with love and light.

Individual Energy: I AM a beacon of light and hope, inspiring others to embrace their true essence.

11.      Expansion of Consciousness and Awareness of Interconnectedness with all Beings

I officially request the expansion of consciousness and awareness of my interconnectedness with all beings.

Universal Energy: I AM the embodiment of divine grace and wisdom, guiding me in every moment.

Individual Energy: I AM open to receiving divine guidance and support in every moment.

12.      Embodiment of Universal Truth, Love, and Compassion

I officially request the embodiment of universal truth, love, and compassion in all my actions and interactions.

Universal Energy: I AM the living embodiment of universal truth, shining brightly for all to see.

Individual Energy: I AM a co-creator of my reality, shaping it with intention, love, and gratitude.

A World Where Love Light and Cosmic Grace Prevail

In realms where spirit dances free,

Where hearts and minds in unity,

A torus spins, a sacred flow,

Connecting all, both high and low.


In the cosmic dance, we find our part,

Aligned with the beat of the universe's heart.

With peace within, we cease the fight,

And bask in love's eternal light.


With heart and brain in harmony,

We bridge the gap to unity.

Through coherence, we find our way,

To walk the path of truth each day.


The rainbow bridge, it shines so bright,

Guiding us through darkest night.

With open hearts, we pave the way,

For oneness' dawn to greet the day.

No longer chained by fear's dark shroud,

We rise above, we stand unbowed.

Empowered by love's gentle hand,

We shape our fate, as we've planned.


With every breath, we claim our power,

To shape our world, in every hour.

With calm minds and hearts aglow,

We let our inner light to show.


No longer slaves to old beliefs,

We rise above, we find relief.

For in the truth, we're truly free,

To shine as bright as galaxies.


So let us dance in cosmic grace,

Embrace the journey, every phase.

For in the torus, we find our home,

And in its dance, we're never alone.