Torus Energy Exercise

Awakening the Inner Sight

This Torus Energy Exercise is designed to unblock the third eye and throat chakra, remove hexes and spells that inhibit perception, and enhance the ability to discern truth from deceit. The overarching goal is to facilitate clarity, insight, and intuition, enabling the individual to see the true intentions of others and discern between genuine friends and enemies.

1. Clearing Blockages in the Third Eye

Official Request: I officially request the removal of all blockages hindering the opening of my third eye.

Universal Energy: I AM the clarity of vision, awakening the third eye to perceive truth and wisdom.

Individual Energy: I AM open and receptive to the activation of my third eye, allowing intuitive insights to flow freely.


Here are the images depicting the clearing of blockages in the third eye, set in a tranquil and ethereal space. An individual in meditation focuses on the area between their eyebrows, where a beam of luminous light symbolizes the removal of obstacles and the activation of the third eye. This light illuminates the individual's face, reflecting newfound clarity of vision, while ethereal symbols and patterns float around, representing accessible intuitive insights and spiritual wisdom. The serene and energy-charged atmosphere emphasizes the profound transformation occurring within, capturing the essence of awakening the third eye and inspiring viewers to embrace their inner sight, guiding them towards truth and wisdom.

2. Unblocking the Throat Chakra

Official Request: I officially request the unblocking of my throat chakra, enabling authentic expression and communication.

Universal Energy: I AM the voice of truth, clearing blockages in the throat chakra to speak with honesty and integrity.

Individual Energy: I AM empowered to speak my truth with confidence and clarity, expressing myself authentically.


Here are the images illustrating the unblocking of the throat chakra, empowering authentic expression and communication. An individual stands confidently, focusing on their throat area, from which a vibrant blue light emanates, symbolizing the clearing of blockages and the activation of the throat chakra. This intense, pure light radiates outwards, signifying the freedom to speak one's truth with honesty and integrity. Ethereal symbols of communication and authenticity enhance the atmosphere of liberation and self-expression. The serene yet energetically charged background reflects the transformative journey towards authentic expression, capturing the essence of speaking one's truth with confidence and clarity, inspiring viewers to embrace their voice and express themselves authentically.

3. Removing Hexes and Spells

Official Request: I officially request the removal of all hexes and spells that cloud my perception and memory.

Universal Energy: I AM immune to negative influences, breaking free from all spells and hexes that obscure my vision.

Individual Energy: I AM protected by divine light, shielding me from any attempts to deceive or manipulate my perception.


Here are the images illustrating the removal of all hexes and spells that cloud perception and memory. Set in an enchanted forest, an individual stands in a clearing, bathed in divine light from above, symbolizing divine protection and liberation from negative influences. Surrounded by symbols of protection, the clearing becomes a place of empowerment and freedom. The vibrant colors and light of the forest signify the restoration of clear perception and memory, capturing the journey of breaking free from spells and hexes to regain control over one's own mind and vision, shielded by divine light.

4. Recalling Dreams and Memories

Official Request: I officially request the restoration of my ability to recall dreams and memories with clarity.

Universal Energy: I AM the keeper of dreams and memories, retrieving lost knowledge and insights from the depths of my being.

Individual Energy: I AM connected to the realm of dreams and memories, reclaiming what is rightfully mine with ease and grace.


Here are the images depicting the restoration of the ability to recall dreams and memories with clarity. Set in a tranquil and magical library of the mind, an individual sits at a vintage desk, surrounded by ethereal books and scrolls. A luminous orb floats above, acting as a portal through which dreams and memories flow freely, illuminating the individual's face and symbolizing the awakening of their inner sight. This serene yet charged atmosphere captures the essence of reconnecting with the realm of dreams and memories, awakening to the vast knowledge and insights stored within.

5. Seeing Through Deceit

Official Request: I officially request the ability to see through deceit and deception with clarity and discernment.

Universal Energy: I AM the truth-seer, piercing through illusions to perceive the reality beneath the surface.

Individual Energy: I AM equipped with keen insight and intuition, discerning truth from falsehood effortlessly.


Here are the images depicting the ability to see through deceit and deception with clarity and discernment. An individual stands confidently, their gaze intense and focused, symbolizing empowered perception. In their hands, a luminous object emits rays of light, piercing through shadows and illusions, representing the dispelling of deceit and the revelation of truth. This visualization captures the essence of being a truth-seer, equipped with keen insight and intuition, inspiring viewers to embrace their own ability to discern truth from falsehood effortlessly.

6. Discerning True Intentions

Official Request: I officially request the gift of discernment to see the true intentions of others.

Universal Energy: I AM the knower of hearts, recognizing the genuine intentions behind every action and word.

Individual Energy: I AM attuned to the subtle cues and vibrations that reveal the true nature of people and situations.


Here are the images illustrating the gift of discernment, enabling the perception of true intentions. The scenes capture an individual utilizing their enhanced inner sight to see beyond surface appearances, revealing the genuine intentions of those around them through symbolic visuals. These visuals embody the ability to discern the true nature of people and situations, inspiring viewers to cultivate their inner sight and embrace discernment.

7. Revealing Enemies and Allies

Official Request: I officially request the ability to distinguish between enemies and genuine friends and allies.

Universal Energy: I AM the guardian of truth, unveiling the true nature of those around me for my highest good.

Individual Energy: I AM guided by inner wisdom and intuition, discerning the allies who support my journey and the adversaries who obstruct my path.


Here are the images that powerfully depict the ability to distinguish between enemies and genuine friends and allies. The individual stands at a crossroads, surrounded by figures with auras that reveal their true nature, guided by their inner wisdom and intuition. The divided sky above emphasizes the duality of paths, representing the clarity and discernment in choosing who genuinely supports them. These visuals inspire trust in one's inner guidance for discerning true friends from foes.

8. Creating a Shield of Protection

Official Request: I officially request the creation of a shield of protection around me, guarding against negative influences.

Universal Energy: I AM surrounded by a shield of divine light, repelling all energies that seek to harm or deceive me.

Individual Energy: I AM safe and protected in my own divine presence, shielded from harm by the power of my intention and faith.


Here are the images depicting the creation of a shield of protection around an individual, guarding against negative influences. The visuals illustrate a person enveloped in a glowing aura of divine light, symbolizing the protective shield. This radiant barrier, vibrant and impenetrable, signifies the safeguarding of their well-being from harmful energies. These images capture the essence of being safe and protected, inspiring viewers to embrace their power to shield themselves from harm.

9. Empowering the Inner Sight

Official Request: I officially request the empowerment of my inner sight and intuition for greater clarity and insight.

Universal Energy: I AM the seer of truth, awakening my inner sight to perceive the unseen and know the unknown.

Individual Energy: I AM aligned with my inner guidance and intuition, trusting in my ability to navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and discernment.


These images embody the empowerment of inner sight and intuition, set in a mystical environment. They illustrate an individual bathed in radiant light, symbolizing the awakening of their inner vision. Symbols of intuition and perception enhance the atmosphere of mystical revelation, reflecting the individual's trust in their inner guidance. The blend of celestial and natural elements in the background highlights the connection between the earthly and the divine, inspiring viewers to trust in their inner sight, navigate life's complexities with wisdom, and embrace their role as seers of truth.

10. Opening to Universal Wisdom

 Official Request: I officially request the opening of my consciousness to receive universal wisdom and guidance.

 Universal Energy: I AM a vessel of divine wisdom, open and receptive to the guidance of the universe.

 Individual Energy: I AM a channel for higher wisdom and insight, allowing the universe to speak through me and illuminate my path.


Here are the images depicting the opening of consciousness to receive universal wisdom and guidance, set in a celestial landscape. An individual in a meditative pose symbolizes receptivity to the universe's guidance, with cosmic light cascading down, representing the flow of divine wisdom. The integration of universal wisdom into one's consciousness is illustrated through the seamless blending of earthly and cosmic elements, inspiring viewers to embrace their potential as channels for higher wisdom and insight, allowing the universe to illuminate their path.

11. Embracing Inner Knowing

 Official Request: I officially request the embrace of my inner knowing and intuition as a guiding force in my life.

 Universal Energy: I AM the embodiment of inner knowing, trusting in the wisdom that arises from deep within.

 Individual Energy: I AM grounded in my inner knowing and intuition, confident in my ability to navigate life's challenges with clarity and grace.


Here are the images that capture the essence of embracing inner knowing and intuition as a guiding force in life, featuring an individual on a path through a tranquil, luminous forest, symbolized by their connection and trust in their inner wisdom. The forest's gentle, ethereal light and symbolic markers along the path represent the clarity and insight gained by trusting one's inner knowing. These visuals inspire recognition and trust in one's own inner knowing to navigate life with clarity and grace.

12. Aligning with Divine Truth

 Official Request: I officially request alignment with divine truth and wisdom in all aspects of my being.

 Universal Energy: I AM the embodiment of divine truth, aligning with the highest wisdom of the universe.

 Individual Energy: I AM aligned with the truth of my being, living in harmony with the divine principles that govern the universe.


Here are the images depicting alignment with divine truth and wisdom in all aspects of one's being. Each scene illustrates an individual in a sacred space, their posture symbolizing openness and receptivity to divine wisdom, with celestial light infusing them with the essence of divine truth. The surrounding symbols of universal harmony and divine principles emphasize the harmony of living in accordance with divine truth, inspiring viewers to seek their own alignment with divine wisdom and live in harmony with the universe's principles.